Coin3D core library
This is the complete list of members for SoDB, including all inherited members.
addConverter(SoType from, SoType to, SoType converter) | SoDB | static |
addProgressCallback(ProgressCallbackType *func, void *userdata) | SoDB | static |
cleanup(void) | SoDB | static |
createGlobalField(const SbName &name, SoType type) | SoDB | static |
createRoute(SoNode *from, const char *eventout, SoNode *to, const char *eventin) | SoDB | static |
doSelect(int nfds, void *readfds, void *writefds, void *exceptfds, struct timeval *usertimeout) | SoDB | static |
enableRealTimeSensor(SbBool on) | SoDB | static |
endNotify(void) | SoDB | static |
finish(void) | SoDB | static |
getConverter(SoType from, SoType to) | SoDB | static |
getDelaySensorTimeout(void) | SoDB | static |
getGlobalField(const SbName &name) | SoDB | static |
getHeaderData(const SbString &headerstring, SbBool &isbinary, float &ivversion, SoDBHeaderCB *&precallback, SoDBHeaderCB *&postcallback, void *&userdata, SbBool substringok=FALSE) | SoDB | static |
getHeaderString(const int i) | SoDB | static |
getNumHeaders(void) | SoDB | static |
getRealTimeInterval(void) | SoDB | static |
getSensorManager(void) | SoDB | static |
getVersion(void) | SoDB | static |
init(void) | SoDB | static |
isInitialized(void) | SoDB | static |
isMultiThread(void) | SoDB | static |
isNotifying(void) | SoDB | static |
isValidHeader(const char *teststring) | SoDB | static |
ProgressCallbackType typedef | SoDB | |
read(SoInput *input, SoPath *&path) | SoDB | static |
read(SoInput *input, SoBase *&base) | SoDB | static |
read(SoInput *input, SoNode *&rootnode) | SoDB | static |
readAll(SoInput *input) | SoDB | static |
readAllVRML(SoInput *input) | SoDB | static |
readlock(void) | SoDB | static |
readunlock(void) | SoDB | static |
registerHeader(const SbString &headerstring, SbBool isbinary, float ivversion, SoDBHeaderCB *precallback, SoDBHeaderCB *postcallback, void *userdata=NULL) | SoDB | static |
removeProgressCallback(ProgressCallbackType *func, void *userdata) | SoDB | static |
removeRoute(SoNode *from, const char *eventout, SoNode *to, const char *eventin) | SoDB | static |
renameGlobalField(const SbName &from, const SbName &to) | SoDB | static |
setDelaySensorTimeout(const SbTime &t) | SoDB | static |
setRealTimeInterval(const SbTime &interval) | SoDB | static |
startNotify(void) | SoDB | static |
writelock(void) | SoDB | static |
writeunlock(void) | SoDB | static |