NutsnBolts  0.1.0
An extension library for Coin
No Matches

The SIM Nuts'n'Bolts NbSceneManager class implements a navigation system that allows for user interaction without having to deploy a full GUI toolkit viewer.

This is done by attaching an object of type NbNavigationSystem to the NbSceneManager that will listen to all events sent to the scene and perform user-based camera navigation based on those events.

A set of built-in navigation systems can be used for certain common navigation setups, but it is also possible to create ones own navigation modes, or patch together a new one from existing navigation submodes.

Built-in modes are named in the following set of defines:


The NB_EXAMINER_SYSTEM is a navigation system that implements most of the examiner viewer navigation. Not complete yet, but that is the goal.

The NB_PANNER_SYSTEM just implements panning when the mouse button is pressed. Similarly, the NB_ZOOMER_SYSTEM and NB_ROTATER_SYSTEM implement just zooming and rotating when the mouse is pressed.