A collection of extensions to Coin3D
This is the complete list of members for LegendKit, including all inherited members.
addBigTick(double nval, double tickvalue, const SbString *discretestring=NULL) | LegendKit | |
addBigTick(double nval, const SbString &string, const SbString *discretestring=NULL) | LegendKit | |
addDiscreteColor(double uppernval, uint32_t color) | LegendKit | |
addDiscreteColor(double uppernval) | LegendKit | |
addSmallTick(double nval) | LegendKit | |
affectsState(void) const (defined in LegendKit) | LegendKit | protectedvirtual |
audioRender(SoAudioRenderAction *action) (defined in LegendKit) | LegendKit | protectedvirtual |
bigTickSize | LegendKit | |
callback(SoCallbackAction *action) (defined in LegendKit) | LegendKit | protectedvirtual |
clearData(void) | LegendKit | |
clearTicks(void) | LegendKit | |
delayedRender | LegendKit | |
description | LegendKit | |
descriptionOnTop | LegendKit | |
discreteUseLower | LegendKit | |
enableBackground(const SbBool onoff) | LegendKit | |
enableImage(const SbBool onoff) | LegendKit | |
getBoundingBox(SoGetBoundingBoxAction *action) (defined in LegendKit) | LegendKit | protectedvirtual |
getLegendWidth(void) const | LegendKit | |
getMatrix(SoGetMatrixAction *action) (defined in LegendKit) | LegendKit | protectedvirtual |
getPrimitiveCount(SoGetPrimitiveCountAction *action) (defined in LegendKit) | LegendKit | protectedvirtual |
GLRender(SoGLRenderAction *action) | LegendKit | protectedvirtual |
handleEvent(SoHandleEventAction *action) (defined in LegendKit) | LegendKit | protectedvirtual |
imageWidth | LegendKit | |
initClass(void) | LegendKit | static |
LegendKit(void) | LegendKit | |
notify(SoNotList *list) | LegendKit | protectedvirtual |
on | LegendKit | |
pick(SoPickAction *action) (defined in LegendKit) | LegendKit | protectedvirtual |
preRender(SoAction *action) | LegendKit | |
rayPick(SoRayPickAction *action) (defined in LegendKit) | LegendKit | protectedvirtual |
search(SoSearchAction *action) (defined in LegendKit) | LegendKit | protectedvirtual |
setBackgroundColor(const SbColor &color, const float transparency=0.0f) | LegendKit | |
setColorCB(uint32_t(*colorCB)(double, void *), void *userdata=NULL) | LegendKit | |
setColorCB(uint32_t(*colorCB)(double)) (defined in LegendKit) | LegendKit | |
setDiscreteMode(const SbBool onoff) | LegendKit | |
setImageTransparency(const float transparency=0.0f) | LegendKit | |
setNumberFormatCallback(SoNumberFormatCB *cb, void *closure) | LegendKit | |
setPosition(const SbVec2s &pos) | LegendKit | |
setTextColor(const SbColor &color, const float transparency=0.0f) | LegendKit | |
setTickAndLinesColor(const SbColor &color, const float transparency=0.0f) | LegendKit | |
smallTickSize | LegendKit | |
SoNumberFormatCB typedef (defined in LegendKit) | LegendKit | |
space | LegendKit | |
threadSafe (defined in LegendKit) | LegendKit | |
tickValueFormat | LegendKit | |
tickValueOffset | LegendKit | |
topSpace | LegendKit | |
useTextureNotImage(const SbBool onoff) | LegendKit | |
~LegendKit() | LegendKit | protectedvirtual |