NutsnBolts  0.1.0
An extension library for Coin
No Matches
Node Classes

Nodes are scene based objects performs various actions such as rendering. More...


class  NbViewerNavigationMode
 Node for setting the default viewer navigation mode for a scene graph. More...

Detailed Description

Nodes are scene based objects performs various actions such as rendering.

Scene graph nodes.

This is the set of nodes Coin implements using the original Open Inventor pattern, meaning they read and write to and from files using the Inventor/VRML1 format, and produce side-effects for subsequent siblings under the same SoSeparator node during action traversal.

A subset of these nodes constitute the VRML1 format, and a bigger subset constitutes the Inventor format. The rest of the nodes are extensions that are not part of any standardized format.

For VRML97 nodes, see the VRML97 Classes page.

The VRML1.0 specification is at

The scene graph nodes you will find in SIM Nuts'n'Bolts.