NutsnBolts  0.1.0
An extension library for Coin
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CNbCenterModeClass that implements the focal point centering mode
 CNbEventNodeThe NbEventNode is a container for nodes which trigger scripts on events
 CNbIdleModeClass implementing an idle mode
 CNbNavigationModeAbstract base class for implementing a navigation submode
 CNbNavigationStateInternal class
 CNbNavigationSystemClass for managing user-based viewer navigation
 CNbNavigationVehicleClass for implementing self-employed animation/movement in navigation modes
 CNbPanModeClass that implements the panning mode
 CNbRotateModeClass that implements the rotate mode
 CNbSceneManagerExtends the SoSceneManager class with more high-level viewer related functionality
 CNbScriptEventEnables you to trigger scripts based on event names
 CNbViewerNavigationModeNode for setting the default viewer navigation mode for a scene graph
 CNbZoomModeClass that implements the zooming action
 CNutsnBoltsStatic namespace class for global functions related to the SIM Nuts'n'Bolts library on the whole