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A collection of extensions to Coin3D
This is the complete list of members for SoFEMKit, including all inherited members.
add2DElement(const int elementidx, const int32_t *nodes, const int layerindex=0) | SoFEMKit | |
add3DElement(const int elementidx, const int32_t *nodes, const int layerindex=0) | SoFEMKit | |
addNode(const int nodeidx, const SbVec3f &xyz) | SoFEMKit | |
ccw | SoFEMKit | |
create2DIndices(int32_t *idxarray, const int32_t *nodes) (defined in SoFEMKit) | SoFEMKit | |
create3DIndices(int32_t *idxarray, const int32_t *nodes) (defined in SoFEMKit) | SoFEMKit | |
enableAllElements(const SbBool onoroff) | SoFEMKit | |
enableElement(const int elementidx, const SbBool onoroff) | SoFEMKit | |
enableElements(const SbPlane &plane, const SbBool onoroff) | SoFEMKit | |
enableLayer(const int layerindex, const SbBool onoroff) | SoFEMKit | |
getBoundingBox(SoGetBoundingBoxAction *action) (defined in SoFEMKit) | SoFEMKit | virtual |
GLRender(SoGLRenderAction *action) (defined in SoFEMKit) | SoFEMKit | virtual |
initClass(void) (defined in SoFEMKit) | SoFEMKit | static |
removeHiddenFaces(const SbBool onoff) | SoFEMKit | |
reset(void) | SoFEMKit | |
setElementColor(const int elementidx, const SbColor &color) | SoFEMKit | |
setNodeColor(const int nodeidx, const SbColor &color) | SoFEMKit | |
SoFEMKit(void) | SoFEMKit | |
~SoFEMKit() | SoFEMKit | protectedvirtual |