SmallChange  1.0.0
A collection of extensions to Coin3D
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAutoFileUsed to automatically reload files when modified
 CCoinboardShape node which faces geometry towards the camera
 CCoinEnvironmentNode for specifying global rendering parameters
 CGLDepthBufferElementThe SoGLDrawStyleElement controls the OpenGL depth buffer
 CInterleavedArraysShapeUsed to render static geometry very fast
 CLegendKitUsed to draw a simple colormap legend
 CPickCallbackGroup node with callbacks when some child is picked
 CPickSwitchPick-activated switch node
 CRot2HeadingRot2Heading is a class for transforming a rotation into a vector
 CShapeScaleUsed for scaling a shape based on projected size
 CSkyDomeShape node for rendering skydomes
 CSmAxisDisplayKitThe SmAxisDisplayKit is used to draw colored and annotated axes in the lower right corner of the display
 CSmCameraControlKitThe SmCameraControlKit class..
 CSmColorGradientNode for specifying color gradients for Scenery nodes
 CSmCoordinateSystemUsed to set the axis basis
 CSmDepthBufferNode used to control the GL depth buffer
 CSmEventHandlerThe SmEventHandler class..
 CSmExaminerEventHandlerThe SmExaminerEventHandler class..
 CSmHeadlightNode type for specifying a viewer headlight
 CSmHelicopterEventHandlerThe SmHelicopterEventHandler class..
 CSmInverseRotationSmInverseRotation is a class for calculating the inverse rotation
 CSmMarkerSetDisplays a set of 2D bitmap markers in 3D
 CSmPanEventHandlerGoogle Earth type navigation mode
 CSmPopupMenuKitThe SmPopupMenuKit class..
 CSmSceneryCoin node interface to the SIM Scenery library
 CSmSphereEventHandlerThe SmSphereEventHandler class..
 CSmSwitchboardGroup node that can toggle children on and off arbitrarily
 CSmSwitchboardOperatorThe SwitchboardOperator class is a group node that can toggle children on and off arbitrarily based on keyboard events
 CSmTextureFontThe SmTextureFont is used for setting up a texture font used by SmTextureText2
 CSmTextureText2The SmTextureText2 node is used for fast text rendering
 CSmTextureText2CollectorThe SmTextureText2Collector node is a group node which optimizes SmTextureText2 rendering
 CSmTooltipUsed to set tooltips for shapes
 CSmTooltipKitThe SmTooltipKit class..
 CSmVertexArrayShapeUs used to render using OpenGL vertex arrays (and soon vertex buffer objects)
 CSoAngle1DraggerFor rotating geometry around a single axis
 CSoAngle1ManipFor rotating geometry around a single axis
 CSoFEMKitUsed to visualize finite element meshes
 CSoLODExtrusionExtrusion node with auto level of detail per spine segment
 CSoPointCloudUsed to display a set of 3D points
 CSoTCBCurveNode for representing smooth curves
 CSoText2SetNode type for visualizing a set of 2D texts aligned with the camera plane
 CUTMCameraDefines a camera node with perspective rendering and an UTM position
 CUTMCoordinateNode for providing coordinates to shape nodes
 CUTMElementYet to be documented
 CUTMPositionNode type for specifying geometry translations
 CViewportRegionUsed to specify a sub-viewport