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A collection of extensions to Coin3D
CAutoFile | Used to automatically reload files when modified |
CBase | |
CCoinboard | Shape node which faces geometry towards the camera |
CCoinEnvironment | Node for specifying global rendering parameters |
CCubicSplineEngine | |
CDynamicBaseKit | |
CDynamicNodeKit | |
CGLDepthBufferElement | The SoGLDrawStyleElement controls the OpenGL depth buffer |
►CHQSphereGenerator | |
CInterleavedArraysShape | Used to render static geometry very fast |
CLegendKit | Used to draw a simple colormap legend |
CPickCallback | Group node with callbacks when some child is picked |
CPickSwitch | Pick-activated switch node |
CRenderState | |
CRot2Heading | Rot2Heading is a class for transforming a rotation into a vector |
CSbBox3 | |
CSbCubicSpline | |
CSbHash | |
CSbHashEntry | |
CSbImage | |
CSbList | |
CSbPlane | |
CSbVec3 | |
CShapeScale | Used for scaling a shape based on projected size |
CSkyDome | Shape node for rendering skydomes |
CSmAnnotationAxis | |
CSmAnnotationWall | |
CSmAxisDisplayKit | The SmAxisDisplayKit is used to draw colored and annotated axes in the lower right corner of the display |
CSmAxisKit | |
CSmBillboardClipPlane | |
CSmCameraControlKit | The SmCameraControlKit class.. |
CSmColorGradient | Node for specifying color gradients for Scenery nodes |
CSmColorGradientElement | |
CSmCoordinateSystem | Used to set the axis basis |
CSmDepthBuffer | Node used to control the GL depth buffer |
CSmDynamicObjectKit | |
CSmEnvelope | |
CSmEventHandler | The SmEventHandler class.. |
CSmExaminerEventHandler | The SmExaminerEventHandler class.. |
CSmGeoMarkerKit | |
CSmHash | |
CSmHashEntry | |
CSmHeadlight | Node type for specifying a viewer headlight |
CSmHelicopterEventHandler | The SmHelicopterEventHandler class.. |
CSmHQSphere | |
CSmInverseRotation | SmInverseRotation is a class for calculating the inverse rotation |
CSmLazyFile | |
CSmMarkerSet | Displays a set of 2D bitmap markers in 3D |
CSmNormalsKit | |
CSmPanEventHandler | Google Earth type navigation mode |
CSmPieChart | |
CSmPopupMenuKit | The SmPopupMenuKit class.. |
CSmRangeTranslate1Dragger | |
CSmSceneManager | |
CSmScenery | Coin node interface to the SIM Scenery library |
CSmSceneryView | |
CSmSceneryViewElement | |
CSmShadowText2 | |
CSmSphereEventHandler | The SmSphereEventHandler class.. |
CSmSwitchboard | Group node that can toggle children on and off arbitrarily |
CSmSwitchboardOperator | The SwitchboardOperator class is a group node that can toggle children on and off arbitrarily based on keyboard events |
►CSmTextureFont | The SmTextureFont is used for setting up a texture font used by SmTextureText2 |
CSmTextureFontBundle | |
CSmTextureFontElement | |
CSmTextureText2 | The SmTextureText2 node is used for fast text rendering |
CSmTextureText2Collector | The SmTextureText2Collector node is a group node which optimizes SmTextureText2 rendering |
►CSmTextureText2CollectorElement | |
CSmTooltip | Used to set tooltips for shapes |
CSmTooltipKit | The SmTooltipKit class.. |
CSmToVertexArrayShapeAction | |
CSmTrack | |
CSmTrackPointKit | |
CSmVertexArrayShape | Us used to render using OpenGL vertex arrays (and soon vertex buffer objects) |
CSmViewpointWrapper | |
CSmWellLogKit | |
CSoAction | |
CSoAngle1Dragger | For rotating geometry around a single axis |
CSoAngle1Manip | For rotating geometry around a single axis |
CSoCameraPathEditKit | |
CSoDragger | |
CSoElement | |
CSoEngine | |
CSoFEMKit | Used to visualize finite element meshes |
CSoFile | |
CSoGenerateSceneGraphAction | |
CSoGroup | |
CSoLight | |
CSoLODExtrusion | Extrusion node with auto level of detail per spine segment |
CSoMarkerSet | |
CSoNode | |
CSoNonIndexedShape | |
CSoPerspectiveCamera | |
CSoPointCloud | Used to display a set of 3D points |
CSoReplacedElement | |
CSoSceneManager | |
CSoSeparator | |
CSoShape | |
CSoSwitch | |
CSoTCBCurve | Node for representing smooth curves |
CSoText2 | |
CSoText2Set | Node type for visualizing a set of 2D texts aligned with the camera plane |
CSoTransformation | |
CSoTransformManip | |
CSoTweakAction | |
CSoVertexShape | |
CUTMCamera | Defines a camera node with perspective rendering and an UTM position |
CUTMCoordinate | Node for providing coordinates to shape nodes |
CUTMElement | Yet to be documented |
CUTMPosition | Node type for specifying geometry translations |
CViewportRegion | Used to specify a sub-viewport |