Coin3D GUI toolkit binding
The SoQtConstrainedViewer class is the superclass for viewers with constrains on the viewpoint. More...
#include <Inventor/Qt/viewers/SoQtConstrainedViewer.h>
Public Member Functions | |
const SbVec3f & | getUpDirection (void) const |
virtual void | resetToHomePosition (void) |
virtual void | saveHomePosition (void) |
virtual void | setCamera (SoCamera *newcam) |
void | setUpDirection (const SbVec3f &dir) |
Public Member Functions inherited from SoQtFullViewer | |
void | addAppPushButton (QWidget *newButton) |
int | findAppPushButton (QWidget *oldButton) const |
QWidget * | getAppPushButtonParent (void) const |
QWidget * | getRenderAreaWidget (void) const |
void | insertAppPushButton (QWidget *newButton, int index) |
SbBool | isDecoration (void) const |
SbBool | isPopupMenuEnabled (void) const |
int | lengthAppPushButton (void) const |
void | removeAppPushButton (QWidget *oldButton) |
virtual void | setComponentCursor (const SoQtCursor &cursor) |
void | setDecoration (const SbBool on) |
void | setPopupMenuEnabled (const SbBool on) |
virtual void | setViewing (SbBool on) |
Public Member Functions inherited from SoQtViewer | |
void | addFinishCallback (SoQtViewerCB *func, void *data=NULL) |
void | addStartCallback (SoQtViewerCB *func, void *data=NULL) |
void | getAnaglyphStereoColorMasks (SbBool left[3], SbBool right[3]) |
SoQtViewer::BufferType | getBufferingType (void) const |
SoCamera * | getCamera (void) const |
SoType | getCameraType (void) const |
SoQtViewer::DrawStyle | getDrawStyle (const SoQtViewer::DrawType type) const |
SoDirectionalLight * | getHeadlight (void) const |
virtual SoNode * | getSceneGraph (void) |
float | getSeekTime (void) const |
float | getStereoOffset (void) const |
SoQtViewer::StereoType | getStereoType (void) const |
const SbColor & | getWireframeOverlayColor (void) const |
SbBool | isAutoClipping (void) const |
SbBool | isCursorEnabled (void) const |
SbBool | isDetailSeek (void) const |
SbBool | isHeadlight (void) const |
SbBool | isStereoViewing (void) const |
SbBool | isViewing (void) const |
void | removeFinishCallback (SoQtViewerCB *func, void *data=NULL) |
void | removeStartCallback (SoQtViewerCB *func, void *data=NULL) |
void | setAnaglyphStereoColorMasks (const SbBool left[3], const SbBool right[3]) |
void | setAutoClipping (SbBool enable) |
void | setAutoClippingStrategy (const AutoClippingStrategy strategy, const float value=0.6f, SoQtAutoClippingCB *cb=NULL, void *cbuserdata=NULL) |
virtual void | setBufferingType (SoQtViewer::BufferType type) |
virtual void | setCameraType (SoType type) |
virtual void | setCursorEnabled (SbBool enable) |
void | setDetailSeek (const SbBool enable) |
virtual void | setDoubleBuffer (const SbBool enable) |
virtual void | setDrawStyle (SoQtViewer::DrawType type, SoQtViewer::DrawStyle style) |
virtual void | setHeadlight (SbBool enable) |
virtual void | setSceneGraph (SoNode *root) |
void | setSeekTime (const float seconds) |
virtual void | setStereoOffset (const float dist) |
SbBool | setStereoType (SoQtViewer::StereoType s) |
virtual void | setStereoViewing (SbBool enable) |
void | setWireframeOverlayColor (const SbColor &color) |
virtual void | toggleCameraType (void) |
virtual void | viewAll (void) |
Public Member Functions inherited from SoQtRenderArea | |
SoQtRenderArea (QWidget *parent=NULL, const char *name=NULL, SbBool embed=TRUE, SbBool mouseInput=TRUE, SbBool keyboardInput=TRUE) | |
~SoQtRenderArea () | |
void | getAntialiasing (SbBool &smoothing, int &numPasses) const |
const SbColor & | getBackgroundColor (void) const |
int | getBackgroundIndex (void) const |
SoGLRenderAction * | getGLRenderAction (void) const |
int | getOverlayBackgroundIndex (void) const |
SoGLRenderAction * | getOverlayGLRenderAction (void) const |
SoNode * | getOverlaySceneGraph (void) |
SoSceneManager * | getOverlaySceneManager (void) const |
uint32_t | getRedrawPriority (void) const |
SoSceneManager * | getSceneManager (void) const |
SoGLRenderAction::TransparencyType | getTransparencyType (void) const |
const SbViewportRegion & | getViewportRegion (void) const |
SbBool | isAutoRedraw (void) const |
SbBool | isClearBeforeOverlayRender (void) const |
SbBool | isClearBeforeRender (void) const |
SbBool | isClearZBufferBeforeRender (void) const |
void | redrawOnSelectionChange (SoSelection *selection) |
void | redrawOverlayOnSelectionChange (SoSelection *selection) |
void | registerDevice (SoQtDevice *device) |
void | render (void) |
void | renderOverlay (void) |
void | scheduleOverlayRedraw (void) |
void | scheduleRedraw (void) |
SbBool | sendSoEvent (const SoEvent *event) |
void | setAntialiasing (SbBool smoothing, int numPasses) |
void | setAutoRedraw (SbBool enable) |
void | setBackgroundColor (const SbColor &color) |
void | setBackgroundIndex (int idx) |
void | setClearBeforeOverlayRender (SbBool enable) |
void | setClearBeforeRender (SbBool enable, SbBool zbEnable=TRUE) |
void | setColorMap (int start, int num, const SbColor *colors) |
void | setEventCallback (SoQtRenderAreaEventCB *func, void *user=NULL) |
void | setGLRenderAction (SoGLRenderAction *action) |
void | setOverlayBackgroundIndex (int idx) |
void | setOverlayColorMap (int start, int num, const SbColor *colors) |
void | setOverlayGLRenderAction (SoGLRenderAction *action) |
void | setOverlaySceneGraph (SoNode *scene) |
void | setOverlaySceneManager (SoSceneManager *manager) |
void | setRedrawPriority (uint32_t priority) |
void | setSceneManager (SoSceneManager *manager) |
void | setTransparencyType (SoGLRenderAction::TransparencyType type) |
void | setViewportRegion (const SbViewportRegion &newRegion) |
void | unregisterDevice (SoQtDevice *device) |
Public Member Functions inherited from SoQtGLWidget | |
SbBool | getAccumulationBuffer (void) const |
SbBool | getAlphaChannel (void) const |
QWidget * | getGLWidget (void) const |
void | getLineWidthLimits (SbVec2f &range, float &granularity) |
QWidget * | getNormalWidget (void) const |
unsigned long | getOverlayTransparentPixel (void) |
QWidget * | getOverlayWidget (void) const |
void | getPointSizeLimits (SbVec2f &range, float &granularity) |
int | getSampleBuffers (void) const |
SbBool | getStencilBuffer (void) const |
SbBool | hasNormalGLArea (void) const |
SbBool | hasOverlayGLArea (void) const |
SbBool | isBorder (void) const |
SbBool | isDoubleBuffer (void) const |
SbBool | isDrawToFrontBufferEnable (void) const |
SbBool | isOverlayRender (void) const |
SbBool | isQuadBufferStereo (void) const |
SbBool | isStealFocus (void) const |
void | setAccumulationBuffer (const SbBool enable) |
void | setAlphaChannel (const SbBool enable) |
void | setBorder (const SbBool enable) |
void | setDrawToFrontBufferEnable (const SbBool enable) |
void | setOverlayRender (const SbBool onoff) |
void | setQuadBufferStereo (const SbBool enable) |
void | setSampleBuffers (const int numsamples) |
void | setStealFocus (SbBool enable) |
void | setStencilBuffer (const SbBool enable) |
Public Member Functions inherited from SoQtComponent | |
virtual | ~SoQtComponent () |
QWidget * | getBaseWidget (void) const |
const char * | getClassName (void) const |
const char * | getIconTitle (void) const |
QWidget * | getParentWidget (void) const |
QWidget * | getShellWidget (void) const |
SbVec2s | getSize (void) const |
const char * | getTitle (void) const |
QWidget * | getWidget (void) const |
const char * | getWidgetName (void) const |
virtual void | hide (void) |
SbBool | isFullScreen (void) const |
SbBool | isTopLevelShell (void) const |
SbBool | isVisible (void) |
SbBool | setFullScreen (const SbBool onoff) |
void | setIconTitle (const char *const title) |
void | setSize (const SbVec2s size) |
void | setTitle (const char *const title) |
void | setWindowCloseCallback (SoQtComponentCB *const func, void *const user=NULL) |
virtual void | show (void) |
Public Member Functions inherited from SoQtObject | |
virtual SoType | getTypeId (void) const =0 |
SbBool | isOfType (SoType type) const |
Protected Member Functions | |
SoQtConstrainedViewer (QWidget *parent, const char *const name, SbBool embed, SoQtFullViewer::BuildFlag flag, SoQtViewer::Type type, SbBool build) | |
~SoQtConstrainedViewer () | |
virtual void | bottomWheelMotion (float value) |
virtual void | changeCameraValues (SoCamera *camera) |
void | checkForCameraUpConstrain (void) |
void | findUpDirection (SbVec2s mouselocation) |
virtual void | leftWheelMotion (float value) |
virtual void | tiltCamera (float delta) |
Protected Member Functions inherited from SoQtFullViewer | |
SoQtFullViewer (QWidget *parent, const char *name, SbBool embed, BuildFlag flag, Type type, SbBool build) | |
~SoQtFullViewer () | |
virtual void | bottomWheelFinish (void) |
virtual void | bottomWheelStart (void) |
QWidget * | buildAppButtons (QWidget *parent) |
virtual QWidget * | buildBottomTrim (QWidget *parent) |
virtual void | buildDecoration (QWidget *parent) |
virtual QWidget * | buildLeftTrim (QWidget *parent) |
virtual void | buildPopupMenu (void) |
virtual QWidget * | buildRightTrim (QWidget *parent) |
QWidget * | buildViewerButtons (QWidget *parent) |
QWidget * | buildWidget (QWidget *parent) |
virtual void | createViewerButtons (QWidget *parent, SbPList *buttonlist) |
QWidget * | getBottomWheelLabelWidget (void) const |
float | getBottomWheelValue (void) const |
QWidget * | getLeftWheelLabelWidget (void) const |
float | getLeftWheelValue (void) const |
QWidget * | getRightWheelLabelWidget (void) const |
const char * | getRightWheelString () const |
float | getRightWheelValue (void) const |
virtual void | leftWheelFinish (void) |
virtual void | leftWheelStart (void) |
virtual void | openPopupMenu (const SbVec2s position) |
virtual SbBool | processSoEvent (const SoEvent *const event) |
virtual void | rightWheelFinish (void) |
virtual void | rightWheelMotion (float) |
virtual void | rightWheelStart (void) |
void | setBottomWheelString (const char *const name) |
void | setBottomWheelValue (const float value) |
void | setLeftWheelString (const char *const name) |
void | setLeftWheelValue (const float value) |
virtual void | setPopupMenuString (const char *title) |
void | setRightWheelString (const char *const name) |
void | setRightWheelValue (const float value) |
virtual void | sizeChanged (const SbVec2s &size) |
Protected Member Functions inherited from SoQtViewer | |
SoQtViewer (QWidget *parent, const char *name, SbBool embed, Type type, SbBool build) | |
~SoQtViewer () | |
virtual void | actualRedraw (void) |
void | addSuperimposition (SoNode *scene) |
virtual void | computeSeekFinalOrientation (void) |
int | getInteractiveCount (void) const |
float | getSeekDistance (void) const |
SbBool | getSuperimpositionEnabled (SoNode *scene) const |
void | interactiveCountDec (void) |
void | interactiveCountInc (void) |
SbBool | isSeekMode (void) const |
SbBool | isSeekValuePercentage (void) const |
void | removeSuperimposition (SoNode *scene) |
SbBool | seekToPoint (const SbVec2s screenpos) |
void | seekToPoint (const SbVec3f &scenepos) |
void | setSeekDistance (const float distance) |
virtual void | setSeekMode (SbBool enable) |
void | setSeekValueAsPercentage (const SbBool on) |
void | setSuperimpositionEnabled (SoNode *scene, const SbBool enable) |
Protected Member Functions inherited from SoQtRenderArea | |
SoQtRenderArea (QWidget *parent, const char *name, SbBool embed, SbBool mouseInput, SbBool keyboardInput, SbBool build) | |
virtual void | actualOverlayRedraw (void) |
virtual void | afterRealizeHook (void) |
QWidget * | buildWidget (QWidget *parent) |
virtual const char * | getDefaultIconTitle (void) const |
virtual const char * | getDefaultTitle (void) const |
virtual const char * | getDefaultWidgetName (void) const |
virtual SbBool | glScheduleRedraw (void) |
virtual void | initGraphic (void) |
virtual void | initOverlayGraphic (void) |
virtual void | processEvent (QEvent *event) |
virtual void | redraw (void) |
virtual void | redrawOverlay (void) |
virtual void | widgetChanged (QWidget *widget) |
Protected Member Functions inherited from SoQtGLWidget | |
SoQtGLWidget (QWidget *const parent=NULL, const char *const name=NULL, const SbBool embed=TRUE, const int glmodes=SO_GL_RGB, const SbBool build=TRUE) | |
~SoQtGLWidget () | |
QWidget * | buildWidget (QWidget *parent) |
float | getGLAspectRatio (void) const |
SbVec2s | getGLSize (void) const |
float | getGlxAspectRatio (void) const |
SbVec2s | getGlxSize (void) const |
void | glFlushBuffer (void) |
void | glLockNormal (void) |
void | glLockOverlay (void) |
void | glSwapBuffers (void) |
void | glUnlockNormal (void) |
void | glUnlockOverlay (void) |
SbBool | isRGBMode (void) |
SbBool | isStereoBuffer (void) const |
void | setGLSize (const SbVec2s size) |
void | setGlxSize (const SbVec2s size) |
void | setStereoBuffer (SbBool flag) |
Protected Member Functions inherited from SoQtComponent | |
SoQtComponent (QWidget *const parent=NULL, const char *const name=NULL, const SbBool embed=TRUE) | |
void | addVisibilityChangeCallback (SoQtComponentVisibilityCB *const func, void *const user=NULL) |
void | registerWidget (QWidget *widget) |
void | removeVisibilityChangeCallback (SoQtComponentVisibilityCB *const func, void *const user=NULL) |
void | setBaseWidget (QWidget *widget) |
void | setClassName (const char *const name) |
void | unregisterWidget (QWidget *widget) |
The SoQtConstrainedViewer class is the superclass for viewers with constrains on the viewpoint.
This abstract viewer class adds new methods to keep the camera in an upright position according to some arbitrary up-direction. The up-direction can be decided by either the application programmer (by using SoQtConstrainedViewer::setUpDirection()) or the end-user, through interaction mechanisms defined by the subclasses.
protected |
protected |
Virtual destructor.
protectedvirtual |
Called repeatedly as the user drags the thumbwheel in the bottom frame. Override this method in subclassed viewers to provide your own functionality on the thumbwheel.
Reimplemented from SoQtFullViewer.
protectedvirtual |
Copies the settings of camera into our current camera. Cameras must be of the same class type.
Reimplemented from SoQtViewer.
protected |
If necessary, "tilts" the camera sideways so the up-direction is heeded.
protected |
Executes a ray pick at the given mouse pointer location and sets the viewer's camera up-vector direction to the normal vector of the picked geometry.
const SbVec3f & SoQtConstrainedViewer::getUpDirection | ( | void | ) | const |
Return up-direction vector for the camera viewpoint.
protectedvirtual |
Called repeatedly as the user drags the thumbwheel in the left frame. Override this method in subclassed viewers to provide your own functionality on the thumbwheel.
Reimplemented from SoQtFullViewer.
virtual |
Restore the saved camera settings.
Reimplemented from SoQtViewer.
Reimplemented in SoQtFlyViewer.
virtual |
Store the current camera settings for later retrieval with resetToHomePosition().
Reimplemented from SoQtViewer.
virtual |
Set the camera we want the viewer to manipulate when interacting with the viewer controls.
The camera passed in as an argument to this method must already be part of the viewer's scene graph. You do not inject viewpoint cameras to the viewer with this method.
You should rather insert a camera into the scene graph first (if necessary, often one will be present already), then register it as the camera used by the viewer controls with this method.
If the application code doesn't explicitly set up a camera through this method, the viewer will automatically scan through the scene graph to find a camera to use. If no camera is available in the scene graph at all, it will set up its own camera.
Reimplemented from SoQtViewer.
Reimplemented in SoQtFlyViewer.
void SoQtConstrainedViewer::setUpDirection | ( | const SbVec3f & | dir | ) |
Set up-direction vector for the camera viewpoint.
protectedvirtual |
This method tilts the camera delta degrees closer to the up direction.