SmallChange  1.0.0
A collection of extensions to Coin3D
No Matches
Node Classes

Nodes are scene based objects performs various actions such as rendering. More...


class  AutoFile
 The AutoFile class is used to automatically reload files when modified. More...
class  Coinboard
 The Coinboard class is a shape node which faces geometry towards the camera. More...
class  CoinEnvironment
 The CoinEnvironment class is a node for specifying global rendering parameters. More...
class  InterleavedArraysShape
 The InterleavedArraysShape class is used to render static geometry very fast. More...
class  PickCallback
 The PickCallback class is group node with callbacks when some child is picked. More...
class  PickSwitch
 The PickSwitch class is a pick-activated switch node. More...
class  SkyDome
 The SkyDome class is a shape node for rendering skydomes. More...
class  SmColorGradient
 The SmColorGradient class is a node for specifying color gradients for Scenery nodes. More...
class  SmDepthBuffer
 The SmDepthBuffer class is a node used to control the GL depth buffer. More...
class  SmHeadlight
 The SmHeadlight class is a node type for specifying a viewer headlight. More...
class  SmMarkerSet
 The SmMarkerSet class displays a set of 2D bitmap markers in 3D. More...
class  SmSwitchboard
 The SmSwitchboard class is a group node that can toggle children on and off arbitrarily. More...
class  SoPointCloud
 The SoPointCloud class is used to display a set of 3D points. More...
class  SoTCBCurve
 The SoTCBCurve class is a node for representing smooth curves. More...
class  SoText2Set
 The SoText2Set class is a node type for visualizing a set of 2D texts aligned with the camera plane. More...
class  UTMCamera
 The UTMCamera class defines a camera node with perspective rendering and an UTM position. More...
class  UTMCoordinate
 The UTMCoordinate class is a node for providing coordinates to shape nodes. More...
class  UTMPosition
 The UTMPosition class is a node type for specifying geometry translations. More...
class  ViewportRegion
 The ViewportRegion class is used to specify a sub-viewport. More...

Detailed Description

Nodes are scene based objects performs various actions such as rendering.

This is the set of nodes Coin implements using the original Open Inventor pattern, meaning they read and write to and from files using the Inventor/VRML1 format, and produce side-effects for subsequent siblings under the same SoSeparator node during action traversal.

A subset of these nodes constitute the VRML1 format, and a bigger subset constitutes the Inventor format. The rest of the nodes are extensions that are not part of any standardized format.

For VRML97 nodes, see the VRML97 Classes page.

The VRML1.0 specification is at