dime  0.9.1
Portable DXF file library
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 Cdime3DFaceHandles a 3DFACE entity
 CdimeArcHandles an ARC entity
 CdimeArrayThe dimeArray class is internal / private
 CdimeBaseSuperclass for most classes in Dime
 CdimeBlockHandles a BLOCK entity
 CdimeBlocksSectionHandles a BLOCKS section
 CdimeBSPTreeSimple BSP tree implementation
 CdimeCircleHandles a CIRCLE entity
 CdimeClassSuperclass for all the class classes
 CdimeClassesSectionHandles a CLASSES section
 CdimeDictInternal / private
 CdimeDictEntryInternal / private
 CdimeDoubleRecordContainer class for double records
 CdimeEllipseHandles an ELLIPSE entity
 CdimeEntitiesSectionHandles an ENTITIES section
 CdimeEntitySuperclass of all entity classes
 CdimeExtrusionEntitySuperclass of all entity classes with extrusion data
 CdimeFaceEntityAbstract class that handles one-face entity classes
 CdimeFloatRecordContainer class for float records
 CdimeHeaderSectionHandles the HEADER section
 CdimeHexRecordContainer class for hex records
 CdimeInputOffers transparent file I/O for DXF and DXB
 CdimeInsertHandles an INSERT entity
 CdimeInt16RecordContainer class for 16-bit integer records
 CdimeInt32RecordContainer class for 32-bit integer records
 CdimeInt8RecordContainer class for 8-bit integer records
 CdimeLayerHandles layers
 CdimeLayerTableReads and writes LAYER tables
 CdimeLineHandles a LINE entity
 CdimeLWPolylineHandles an LWPOLYLINE entity
 CdimeMatrixFor containing and operating on a four-by-four matrix
 CdimeMemHandlerSpecial-purpose memory manager
 CdimeModelOrganizes a model
 CdimeObjectSuperclass for the object classes
 CdimeObjectsSectionThe dimeObjectsSection object handles an OBJECTS section
 CdimeOutputHandles writing of DXF and DXB files
 CdimeParamUnion of the different parameter types
 CdimePointHandles a POINT entity
 CdimePolylineHandles a POLYLINE entity
 CdimeRecordSuperclass of all record classes
 CdimeRecordHolderSuperclass for objects that store records
 CdimeSectionSuperclass for all section classes
 CdimeSolidHandles a SOLID entity
 CdimeSplineHandles a SPLINE entity
 CdimeStateManages various state variables while the model is traversed
 CdimeStringRecordContainer class for string records
 CdimeTableStores table entries
 CdimeTableEntrySuperclass for all table classes
 CdimeTablesSectionHandles a TABLES section
 CdimeTextHandles a Text entity
 CdimeTraceHandles a TRACE entity
 CdimeUCSTableReads and writes UCS tables
 CdimeUnknownClassReads and writes undefined classes
 CdimeUnknownEntityReads and writes undefined entity classes
 CdimeUnknownObjectReads and writes undefined objects
 CdimeUnknownSectionUsed to support unknown sections
 CdimeUnknownTableReads and writes undefined tables
 CdimeVec2fFor containing and operating on a 2D vector / coordinate
 CdimeVec3fFor containing and operating on a 3D vector / coordinate
 CdimeVertexHandles a VERTEX entity
 CdxfConverterOffers a simple interface for DXF converting. It makes it possible to extract all geometry from DXF files, and store it in internal geometry structures, which again can be exported as VRML
 CdxfLayerDataHandles all geometry for a given color index. DXF geometry is grouped into different colors, as this is a normal way to group geometry data, and especially VRML data
 CdxfLineSegmentHandles lines with width and/or height. This class support several connected line segments. The line segments will then be converted to a continuous mesh, without cracks, as specified in the DXF specification