Coin3D volume rendering library
CSoDetail | |
CSoFaceSet | |
CSoIndexedFaceSet | |
CSoIndexedTriangleStripSet | |
CSoNode | |
CSoObliqueSlice | Render a slice of the volume data, with any orientation |
CSoObliqueSliceDetail | The SoObliqueSliceDetail contains details of a pick operation on SoObliqueSlice geometry |
CSoOrthoSlice | Render one orthogonal slice of the volume data |
CSoOrthoSliceDetail | The SoOrthoSliceDetail contains details of a pick operation on SoOrthoSlice geometry |
CSoShape | |
CSoTransferFunction | Contains the transfer function definition |
CSoTriangleStripSet | |
CSoVolumeData | The main interface for setting up volume data sets |
CSoVolumeDetail | The SoVolumeDetail stores ray intersection information through a volume |
CSoVolumeFaceSet | Render a set of faces within the volume |
CSoVolumeIndexedFaceSet | Render a set of faces within the volume |
CSoVolumeIndexedTriangleStripSet | Render a set of triangle strips within the volume |
CSoVolumeReader | Abstract superclass for all volume data reader classes |
CSoVolumeRender | Render the full volume |
CSoVolumeRenderDetail | The SoVolumeRenderDetail stores ray intersection information through a volume |
CSoVolumeRendering | Abstract base class for all nodes related to volume rendering |
CSoVolumeSkin | Render just the six sides of the volume data |
CSoVolumeSkinDetail | The SoVolumeSkinDetail stores ray intersection information through a volume |
CSoVolumeTriangleStripSet | Render a set of triangle strips within the volume |
CSoVRVolFileReader | Loader for files in the VOL data format |