Coin  4.0.3
Coin3D core library
No Matches
New Features in Coin v4.0.0

Kongsberg Oil & Gas Technologies AS ended Coin as a commercial product and re-licensed it under the BSD 3-clause license as a service to the user community.

The build system has been migrated from GNU Autotools to CMake.

This is a brief summary of the new features in Coin v4.0.0:

  • Support for UNICODE text (starting with Coin 4.0 strings are UTF-8 encoded).
  • View volume and projectors now support reverse perspective camera settings
  • New SoReversePerspectiveCamera node added
  • New getRadius method added to SoRayPickAction
  • New virtual method getPickedPointForStart added to SoDragger to allow dragging of (partially) covered objects by derived draggers
  • New greater than and less than operators added to SbString
  • Implemented SoTextureCoordinateObject for linear texture functions
  • New SoAlphaTest node added
  • Support for GLSL/ARB shaders has been added to SoShaderStateMatrixParameter
  • Support for linePatternScaleFactor in SoDrawStyle
  • Support for newer compilers
  • Support for DISABLE policy in SoSelection node
  • API changes in SbMatrix, SoPickAction, SoEvent, SoSFTime, SbPList to improve conformance to Open Inventor 2.1 API
  • Created public API for converting geo coordinates
  • Auto-linking to the Coin library when using Microsoft Visual C++ compilers
  • Updated expat sources to version 2.2.6
  • Removed local Boost includes. Added configure option –with-boost
  • Support for BitBucket and AppVeyor as continuous integration service providers

Bug fixes:

  • Engine output referencing
  • SoTextureCoordinatePlane rendering bug
  • Memory leak during SoDB cleanup
  • Memory leak in SoVertexAttribute
  • Wrong vertical offset used in SoOffscreenRenderer
  • Driver bug when allocating render-to-texture capable pbuffers from SoOffscreenRenderer
  • Incorrect normal binding for 3DS import
  • SoInteractionKit
  • SoRayPickAction incorrect matrix info in getViewVolume
  • SbTesselator triangulation errors
  • SoToVRML2Action handling of NurbsCurve and IndexedNurbsCurve
  • SoToVRML2Action handling TransformSeparator as Separator not Group
  • SoVRMLTransform transformation bug in getTranslationSpaceMatrix
  • SoVRMLExtrusion rendering
  • Numerous minor and major issues detected with static code analysis
  • Numerous documentation issues
  • Camera location is updated during interaction in SoDragger
  • Camera update handling in seek and spin modes
  • Bounding box center calculation of SoIndexedShape derived components
  • Intersection bounding box calculation between bounding box and view volume
  • Allow deletion of SoDraggers in callbacks
  • Crash in SoText2 when using non-integer font sizes
  • Out of bounds access to array in SoSceneTextureCubeMap
  • Numerical issues in computation of intersection between sphere and line
  • Numerical issue in SbDPMatrix::multLineMatrix()
  • Markers are disappearing when clipping planes are present
  • Set of invalid VRML identifier characters extended with '(', ')', and '|'
  • Replacement for OpenGL extensions string method, obsoleted since OpenGL version 3.0
  • Output of scenes containing SoGroup or derived nodes in SoWriteAction
  • Force setting color for all indices on TriangleStrips in SoMaterialBundle