Coin  4.0.3
Coin3D core library
No Matches
SoDragger Class Reference

The SoDragger class is the base class for all draggers. More...

#include <Inventor/draggers/SoDragger.h>

Inheritance diagram for SoDragger:
SoInteractionKit SoBaseKit SoNode SoFieldContainer SoBase SoCenterballDragger SoDirectionalLightDragger SoDragPointDragger SoHandleBoxDragger SoJackDragger SoPointLightDragger SoRotateCylindricalDragger SoRotateDiscDragger SoRotateSphericalDragger SoScale1Dragger SoScale2Dragger SoScale2UniformDragger SoScaleUniformDragger SoSpotLightDragger SoTabBoxDragger SoTabPlaneDragger SoTrackballDragger SoTransformBoxDragger SoTransformerDragger SoTranslate1Dragger SoTranslate2Dragger

Public Types

enum  ProjectorFrontSetting { FRONT , BACK , USE_PICK }
- Public Types inherited from SoInteractionKit
enum  CacheEnabled { OFF , ON , AUTO }
- Public Types inherited from SoNode
enum  NodeType {
  INVENTOR = 0x0000 , VRML1 = 0x0001 , VRML2 = 0x0002 , INVENTOR_1 = 0x0004 ,
  INVENTOR_2_0 = 0x0008 , INVENTOR_2_1 = 0x0010 , INVENTOR_2_5 = 0x0020 , INVENTOR_2_6 = 0x0040 ,
  COIN_1_0 = 0x0080 , COIN_2_0 = 0x0100 , EXTENSION = 0x0200 , COIN_2_2 = 0x0400 ,
  COIN_2_3 = 0x0800 , COIN_2_4 = 0x1000 , INVENTOR_5_0 = 0x2000 , COIN_2_5 = 0x4000 ,
  COIN_3_0 = 0x8000 , INVENTOR_6_0 = 0x10000 , COIN_4_0 = 0x20000

Public Member Functions

void addFinishCallback (SoDraggerCB *func, void *data=NULL)
void addMotionCallback (SoDraggerCB *func, void *data=NULL)
void addOtherEventCallback (SoDraggerCB *func, void *data=NULL)
void addStartCallback (SoDraggerCB *func, void *data=NULL)
void addValueChangedCallback (SoDraggerCB *func, void *data=NULL)
virtual void callback (SoCallbackAction *action)
SoPathcreatePathToThis (void)
SbBool enableValueChangedCallbacks (SbBool newval)
const SoEventgetEvent (void) const
ProjectorFrontSetting getFrontOnProjector (void) const
SoHandleEventActiongetHandleEventAction (void) const
SbVec3f getLocalStartingPoint (void)
SbMatrix getLocalToWorldMatrix (void)
virtual void getMatrix (SoGetMatrixAction *action)
int getMinGesture (void) const
const SbMatrixgetMotionMatrix (void)
virtual const SoNodekitCataloggetNodekitCatalog (void) const
void getPartToLocalMatrix (const SbName &partname, SbMatrix &parttolocalmatrix, SbMatrix &localtopartmatrix)
const SoPathgetPickPath (void) const
virtual void getPrimitiveCount (SoGetPrimitiveCountAction *action)
float getProjectorEpsilon (void) const
const SbMatrixgetStartMotionMatrix (void)
const SbNamegetSurrogatePartPickedName (void) const
const SoPathgetSurrogatePartPickedOwner (void) const
const SoPathgetSurrogatePartPickedPath (void) const
virtual SoType getTypeId (void) const
const SbViewportRegiongetViewportRegion (void)
const SbViewVolumegetViewVolume (void)
SbVec3f getWorldStartingPoint (void)
SbMatrix getWorldToLocalMatrix (void)
virtual void GLRender (SoGLRenderAction *action)
virtual void grabEventsCleanup (void)
virtual void grabEventsSetup (void)
virtual void rayPick (SoRayPickAction *action)
void registerChildDragger (SoDragger *child)
void registerChildDraggerMovingIndependently (SoDragger *child)
void removeFinishCallback (SoDraggerCB *func, void *data=NULL)
void removeMotionCallback (SoDraggerCB *func, void *data=NULL)
void removeOtherEventCallback (SoDraggerCB *func, void *data=NULL)
void removeStartCallback (SoDraggerCB *func, void *data=NULL)
void removeValueChangedCallback (SoDraggerCB *func, void *data=NULL)
virtual void saveStartParameters (void)
virtual void search (SoSearchAction *action)
void setFrontOnProjector (ProjectorFrontSetting newval)
void setHandleEventAction (SoHandleEventAction *newAction)
void setMinGesture (int pixels)
virtual void setMotionMatrix (const SbMatrix &newmatrix)
void setProjectorEpsilon (const float epsilon)
void setStartingPoint (const SbVec3f &newpoint)
void setStartingPoint (const SoPickedPoint *newpoint)
void setTempPathToThis (const SoPath *somethingclose)
void setViewportRegion (const SbViewportRegion &reg)
void setViewVolume (const SbViewVolume &vol)
void transformMatrixLocalToWorld (const SbMatrix &frommatrix, SbMatrix &tomatrix)
void transformMatrixToLocalSpace (const SbMatrix &frommatrix, SbMatrix &tomatrix, const SbName &fromspacepartname)
void transformMatrixWorldToLocal (const SbMatrix &frommatrix, SbMatrix &tomatrix)
void unregisterChildDragger (SoDragger *child)
void unregisterChildDraggerMovingIndependently (SoDragger *child)
void valueChanged (void)
void workFieldsIntoTransform (SbMatrix &mtx)
virtual void write (SoWriteAction *action)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SoInteractionKit
 SoInteractionKit (void)
SbBool isPathSurrogateInMySubgraph (const SoPath *path)
SbBool isPathSurrogateInMySubgraph (const SoPath *path, SoPath *&pathToOwner, SbName &surrogatename, SoPath *&surrogatepath, SbBool fillargs=TRUE)
virtual SbBool setPart (const SbName &partname, SoNode *from)
virtual SbBool setPartAsDefault (const SbName &partname, const SbName &nodename, SbBool onlyifdefault=TRUE)
virtual SbBool setPartAsDefault (const SbName &partname, SoNode *node, SbBool onlyifdefault=TRUE)
virtual SbBool setPartAsPath (const SbName &partname, SoPath *path)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SoBaseKit
 SoBaseKit (void)
virtual void addWriteReference (SoOutput *out, SbBool isfromfield=FALSE)
virtual SoNodeKitPathcreatePathToPart (const SbName &partname, SbBool makeifneeded, const SoPath *pathtoextend=NULL)
virtual void doAction (SoAction *action)
SbBool forceChildDrivenWriteRefs (SoOutput *out)
virtual SoChildListgetChildren (void) const
virtual SoNodegetPart (const SbName &partname, SbBool makeifneeded)
SbString getPartString (const SoBase *part)
void printDiagram (void)
void printSubDiagram (const SbName &rootname, int level)
void printTable (void)
SbBool set (const char *namevaluepairliststring)
SbBool set (const char *partnamestring, const char *parameterstring)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SoNode
virtual SbBool affectsState (void) const
virtual void audioRender (SoAudioRenderAction *action)
virtual SoNodecopy (SbBool copyconnections=FALSE) const
virtual SoFieldContainercopyThroughConnection (void) const
SbUniqueId getNodeId (void) const
NodeType getNodeType (void) const
virtual void GLRenderBelowPath (SoGLRenderAction *action)
virtual void GLRenderInPath (SoGLRenderAction *action)
virtual void GLRenderOffPath (SoGLRenderAction *action)
SbBool isOverride (void) const
virtual void notify (SoNotList *l)
virtual void pick (SoPickAction *action)
void setNodeType (const NodeType type)
void setOverride (const SbBool state)
virtual void startNotify (void)
virtual void writeInstance (SoOutput *out)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SoFieldContainer
void copyFieldValues (const SoFieldContainer *container, SbBool copyconnections=FALSE)
SbBool enableNotify (const SbBool flag)
SbBool fieldsAreEqual (const SoFieldContainer *container) const
void get (SbString &fielddata)
void get (SbString &fielddata, SoOutput *out)
virtual int getAllFields (SoFieldList &l) const
virtual SoFieldgetEventIn (const SbName &name) const
virtual SoFieldgetEventOut (const SbName &name) const
virtual SoFieldgetField (const SbName &name) const
SbBool getFieldName (const SoField *const field, SbName &name) const
virtual int getFields (SoFieldList &l) const
virtual void getFieldsMemorySize (size_t &managed, size_t &unmanaged) const
SbBool getIsBuiltIn (void) const
voidgetUserData (void) const
SbBool hasDefaultValues (void) const
SbBool isNotifyEnabled (void) const
SbBool set (const char *const fielddata)
SbBool set (const char *fielddata, SoInput *input)
void setToDefaults (void)
void setUserData (void *userdata) const
virtual SbBool validateNewFieldValue (SoField *field, void *newval)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SoBase
void addAuditor (void *const auditor, const SoNotRec::Type type)
void assertAlive (void) const
const SoAuditorListgetAuditors (void) const
virtual SbName getName (void) const
int32_t getRefCount (void) const
SbBool isOfType (SoType type) const
 Returns TRUE if the type of this object is either of the same type or inherited from type.
void ref (void) const
void removeAuditor (void *const auditor, const SoNotRec::Type type)
virtual void setName (const SbName &newname)
SbBool shouldWrite (void)
void touch (void)
void unref (void) const
void unrefNoDelete (void) const

Static Public Member Functions

static SbMatrix appendRotation (const SbMatrix &mtx, const SbRotation &rot, const SbVec3f &rotcenter, const SbMatrix *conversion=NULL)
static SbMatrix appendScale (const SbMatrix &mtx, const SbVec3f &scale, const SbVec3f &scalecenter, const SbMatrix *conversion=NULL)
static SbMatrix appendTranslation (const SbMatrix &mtx, const SbVec3f &translation, const SbMatrix *conversion=NULL)
static const SoNodekitCataloggetClassNodekitCatalog (void)
static SoType getClassTypeId (void)
static float getMinScale (void)
static void getTransformFast (SbMatrix &mtx, SbVec3f &translation, SbRotation &rotation, SbVec3f &scalefactor, SbRotation &scaleorientation)
static void getTransformFast (SbMatrix &mtx, SbVec3f &translation, SbRotation &rotation, SbVec3f &scalefactor, SbRotation &scaleorientation, const SbVec3f &center)
static void initClass (void)
static void initClasses (void)
static void setMinScale (float newminscale)
static void workValuesIntoTransform (SbMatrix &mtx, const SbVec3f *translationptr, const SbRotation *rotationptr, const SbVec3f *scalefactorptr, const SbRotation *scaleorientationptr, const SbVec3f *centerptr)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SoInteractionKit
static const SoNodekitCataloggetClassNodekitCatalog (void)
static SoType getClassTypeId (void)
static void initClass (void)
 Sets up initialization for data common to all instances of this class, like submitting necessary information to the Coin type system.
static void setSwitchValue (SoNode *node, const int newVal)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SoBaseKit
static const SoNodekitCataloggetClassNodekitCatalog (void)
static SoType getClassTypeId (void)
static void initClass (void)
static SbBool isSearchingChildren (void)
static void setSearchingChildren (const SbBool newval)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SoNode
static void audioRenderS (SoAction *action, SoNode *node)
static void callbackS (SoAction *action, SoNode *node)
static int getActionMethodIndex (const SoType type)
static void getBoundingBoxS (SoAction *action, SoNode *node)
static SoNodegetByName (const SbName &name)
static int getByName (const SbName &name, SoNodeList &l)
static SoType getClassTypeId (void)
static uint32_t getCompatibilityTypes (const SoType &nodetype)
static void getMatrixS (SoAction *action, SoNode *node)
static SbUniqueId getNextNodeId (void)
static void getPrimitiveCountS (SoAction *action, SoNode *node)
static void GLRenderS (SoAction *action, SoNode *node)
static void handleEventS (SoAction *action, SoNode *node)
static void initClass (void)
 Sets up initialization for data common to all instances of this class, like submitting necessary information to the Coin type system.
static void initClasses (void)
static void pickS (SoAction *action, SoNode *node)
static void rayPickS (SoAction *action, SoNode *node)
static void searchS (SoAction *action, SoNode *node)
static void writeS (SoAction *action, SoNode *node)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SoFieldContainer
static void addCopy (const SoFieldContainer *orig, const SoFieldContainer *copy)
static SoFieldContainercheckCopy (const SoFieldContainer *orig)
static void cleanupClass (void)
static void copyDone (void)
static SoFieldContainerfindCopy (const SoFieldContainer *orig, const SbBool copyconnections)
static SoType getClassTypeId (void)
 This static method returns the SoType object associated with objects of this class.
static void initClass (void)
 Sets up initialization for data common to all instances of this class, like submitting necessary information to the Coin type system.
static void initCopyDict (void)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SoBase
static void addName (SoBase *const base, const char *const name)
static SbBool connectRoute (SoInput *input, const SbName &fromnodename, const SbName &fromfieldname, const SbName &tonodename, const SbName &tofieldname)
static void decrementCurrentWriteCounter (void)
static SoType getClassTypeId (void)
 This static method returns the SoType object associated with objects of this class.
static SoBasegetNamedBase (const SbName &name, SoType type)
static int getNamedBases (const SbName &name, SoBaseList &baselist, SoType type)
static SbBool getTraceRefs (void)
static void incrementCurrentWriteCounter (void)
static void initClass (void)
 Sets up initialization for data common to all instances of this class, like submitting necessary information to the Coin type system.
static SbBool read (SoInput *input, SoBase *&base, SoType expectedtype)
static SbBool readRoute (SoInput *input)
static void removeName (SoBase *const base, const char *const name)
static void setInstancePrefix (const SbString &c)
static void setTraceRefs (SbBool trace)

Public Attributes

SoSFBool isActive
- Public Attributes inherited from SoInteractionKit
SoSFEnum boundingBoxCaching
SoSFEnum pickCulling
SoSFEnum renderCaching
SoSFEnum renderCulling

Protected Member Functions

 SoDragger (void)
virtual ~SoDragger (void)
SoDraggergetActiveChildDragger (void) const
virtual void getBoundingBox (SoGetBoundingBoxAction *action)
virtual const SoFieldDatagetFieldData (void) const
SbVec2s getLocaterPosition (void)
SbVec2f getNormalizedLocaterPosition (void)
virtual const SoPickedPointgetPickedPointForStart (SoHandleEventAction *action)
SbVec2s getStartLocaterPosition (void) const
virtual void handleEvent (SoHandleEventAction *ha)
SbBool isAdequateConstraintMotion (void)
SbBool isIgnoreInBbox (void)
void setActiveChildDragger (SoDragger *newchilddragger)
void setCameraInfo (SoAction *action)
virtual void setDefaultOnNonWritingFields (void)
void setIgnoreInBbox (SbBool newval)
void setStartLocaterPosition (SbVec2s p)
virtual SbBool shouldGrabBasedOnSurrogate (const SoPath *pickpath, const SoPath *surrogatepath)
void transferMotion (SoDragger *child)
void updateDraggerCache (const SoPath *path)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SoInteractionKit
virtual ~SoInteractionKit ()
void connectSeparatorFields (SoSeparator *dest, SbBool onOff)
virtual void copyContents (const SoFieldContainer *fromFC, SbBool copyConnections)
virtual SbBool readInstance (SoInput *in, unsigned short flags)
virtual SbBool setAnyPartAsDefault (const SbName &partname, const SbName &nodename, SbBool anypart=TRUE, SbBool onlyifdefault=TRUE)
virtual SbBool setAnyPartAsDefault (const SbName &partname, SoNode *node, SbBool anypart=TRUE, SbBool onlyifdefault=TRUE)
SbBool setAnySurrogatePath (const SbName &name, SoPath *path, SbBool leafcheck=FALSE, SbBool publiccheck=FALSE)
virtual SbBool setPart (const int partNum, SoNode *node)
virtual SbBool setUpConnections (SbBool onoff, SbBool doitalways=FALSE)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SoBaseKit
virtual ~SoBaseKit ()
virtual SoNodeaddToCopyDict (void) const
void catalogError (void)
void countMyFields (SoOutput *out)
virtual void createDefaultParts (void)
void createFieldList (void)
void createNodekitPartsList (void)
virtual SoNodeKitPathcreatePathToAnyPart (const SbName &partname, SbBool makeifneeded, SbBool leafcheck=FALSE, SbBool publiccheck=FALSE, const SoPath *pathtoextend=NULL)
virtual SoNodegetAnyPart (const SbName &partname, SbBool makeifneeded, SbBool leafcheck=FALSE, SbBool publiccheck=FALSE)
const SbList< SoSFNode * > & getCatalogInstances (void) const
SoGroupgetContainerNode (const SbName &listname, SbBool makeifneeded=TRUE)
const SoNodekitPartsgetNodekitPartsList (void) const
virtual SbBool setAnyPart (const SbName &partname, SoNode *from, SbBool anypart=TRUE)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SoNode
 SoNode (void)
virtual ~SoNode ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SoFieldContainer
 SoFieldContainer (void)
virtual ~SoFieldContainer ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SoBase
 SoBase (void)
virtual ~SoBase ()
virtual SoNotRec createNotRec (void)
virtual void destroy (void)
virtual const char * getFileFormatName (void) const
SbBool hasMultipleWriteRefs (void) const
void writeFooter (SoOutput *out) const
SbBool writeHeader (SoOutput *out, SbBool isgroup, SbBool isengine) const

Static Protected Member Functions

static void childFinishCB (void *, SoDragger *)
static void childMotionCB (void *, SoDragger *)
static void childOtherEventCB (void *, SoDragger *)
static void childStartCB (void *, SoDragger *)
static void childTransferMotionAndValueChangedCB (void *, SoDragger *)
static void childValueChangedCB (void *, SoDragger *)
static const SoNodekitCatalog ** getClassNodekitCatalogPtr (void)
static const SoFieldData ** getFieldDataPtr (void)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from SoInteractionKit
static void fieldSensorCB (void *, SoSensor *)
static const SoNodekitCatalog ** getClassNodekitCatalogPtr (void)
static const SoFieldData ** getFieldDataPtr (void)
static void readDefaultParts (const char *fileName, const char defaultBuffer[], int defBufSize)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from SoBaseKit
static const SoNodekitCatalog ** getClassNodekitCatalogPtr (void)
static const SoFieldData ** getFieldDataPtr (void)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from SoNode
static const SoFieldData ** getFieldDataPtr (void)
static int getNextActionMethodIndex (void)
static void incNextActionMethodIndex (void)
static void setCompatibilityTypes (const SoType &nodetype, const uint32_t bitmask)
static void setNextActionMethodIndex (int index)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from SoBase
static uint32_t getCurrentWriteCounter (void)
static void staticDataLock (void)
static void staticDataUnlock (void)

Protected Attributes

SoSFNode motionMatrix
- Protected Attributes inherited from SoInteractionKit
SoSFNode geomSeparator
SoSFNode topSeparator
- Protected Attributes inherited from SoBaseKit
SoSFNode callbackList
SbBool connectionsSetUp
- Protected Attributes inherited from SoNode
SbUniqueId uniqueId
- Protected Attributes inherited from SoFieldContainer
SbBool isBuiltIn

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from SoBase
enum  BaseFlags { IS_ENGINE = 0x01 , IS_GROUP = 0x02 }
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from SoNode
static int nextActionMethodIndex = 0
static SbUniqueId nextUniqueId = 1

Detailed Description

The SoDragger class is the base class for all draggers.

Draggers is a mechanism used for letting the end-users of your application code interact with elements in 3D, by scaling, rotating or translating geometry or other instances in the scene (like cameras or light sources).

For a very thorough introduction and tutorial to the dragger classes and general concepts, we advise you to consult «The Inventor Mentor», ISBN 0-201-62495-8, chapter 15.

This is the common superclass for all dragger classes.

It holds the current motion matrix, and offers lots of convenience methods to build from for its subclasses – that is, the non-abstract dragger classes to use as nodes in your scene graph.

The motion matrix is used to modify the model matrix during traversal, and this is a common dragger mechanism – all draggers should update this during dragging.

A number of the Coin dragger classes have built-in convenience wrapper classes, called manipulators. See for instance the SoTrackballDragger / SoTrackballManip pair.

The matching manipulator class for any dragger class has basically two convenient additions to the functionality of the standalone dragger: 1) it makes swapping the dragger in and out of the scene graph very straightforward (something which is often done for draggers in 3D user interfaces), 2) it wraps up the dragger with SoSurroundScale and SoAntiSquish nodes where applicable, so the dragger geometry automatically scales up or down to match the geometry it influences.

This last functionality can also be duplicated in a rather straightforward manner outside of the context of a manipulator, as can be seen from the usage example in the SoSurroundScale class documentation.

The appearance of draggers can be modified by either using the SoDragger::setPart() method (see usage example below) or by setting up external Inventor-format files which the geometry parts are read from. The latter method can be done by setting the environment variable SO_DRAGGER_DIR to point to a directory with replacement geometry files. The name of the new files and the name of the nodes / sub-graphs with the replacement geometries must follow a rigid scheme. We advise you to look at the Coin source code directory Coin/data/draggerDefaults/ to see how the replacement geometry files should be named. Setting SO_DRAGGER_DIR to this directory and modifying the files there provides a convenient way to play around with new dragger geometry arrangements.

As mentioned above, SoDragger::setPart() can be used to modify the appearance of a dragger by changing its default geometry. One common technique is for instance to take advantage of this to use only parts of a dragger, by replacing / disabling the geometry that you don't want the end-user to interact with. The following code example shows how to remove the translation functionality of the SoTransformBoxDragger:

#include <Inventor/Qt/SoQt.h>
#include <Inventor/Qt/viewers/SoQtExaminerViewer.h>
#include <Inventor/draggers/SoTransformBoxDragger.h>
#include <Inventor/nodes/SoSeparator.h>
main(int argc, char ** argv)
QWidget * window = SoQt::init(argv[0]);
SbString str;
for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
str.sprintf("translator%d.translator", i);
dragger->setPart(str.getString(), new SoSeparator);
delete viewer;
return 0;
The SbList class is a template container class for lists.
Definition SbList.h:70
SbList(const int sizehint=DEFAULTSIZE)
Definition SbList.h:78
The SbString class is a string class with convenience functions for string operations.
Definition SbString.h:52
SbString & sprintf(const char *formatstr,...)
Definition SbString.h:118
const char * getString(void) const
Definition SbString.h:84
virtual SbBool setPart(const SbName &partname, SoNode *from)
Definition SoInteractionKit.cpp:742
The SoSeparator class is a state-preserving group node.
Definition SoSeparator.h:44
The SoTransformBoxDragger provides a box which can be translated, scaled and rotated.
Definition SoTransformBoxDragger.h:45

Draggers are also node kits, and below is the catalog structure for this top-level dragger class.

Nodekit structure (new entries versus parent class marked with arrow prefix):

CLASS SoDragger
-->      "motionMatrix"

(See SoBaseKit::printDiagram() for information about the output formatting.)

Detailed information on catalog parts:

CLASS SoDragger
PVT   "this",  SoDragger  ---
      "callbackList",  SoNodeKitListPart [ SoCallback, SoEventCallback ]
PVT   "topSeparator",  SoSeparator  ---
PVT   "motionMatrix",  SoMatrixTransform  ---
PVT   "geomSeparator",  SoSeparator  ---

(See SoBaseKit::printTable() for information about the output formatting.)

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ProjectorFrontSetting

Holds various settings for projectors, which might affect cylindrical and spherical based draggers. Specifies whether dragging should be based on the front or back of the sphere / cylinder, or if the picked point should be used to decide this.


Always use front of projector.


Always use back of projector.


Use picked point to decide front or back of projector.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SoDragger()

SoDragger::SoDragger ( void )

A protected constructor for this abstract superclass for all Coin draggers.

◆ ~SoDragger()

SoDragger::~SoDragger ( void )

Virtual protected destructor.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addFinishCallback()

void SoDragger::addFinishCallback ( SoDraggerCB * func,
void * data = NULL )

Adds a callback which is called after dragging is finished.

◆ addMotionCallback()

void SoDragger::addMotionCallback ( SoDraggerCB * func,
void * data = NULL )

Adds a callback which is called for each mouse movement during dragging.

◆ addOtherEventCallback()

void SoDragger::addOtherEventCallback ( SoDraggerCB * func,
void * data = NULL )

Adds an event callback for events other then drag events. As soon as dragging starts, the dragger grabs all events (until mouse button is released). This method can be used to handle other events during dragging.

◆ addStartCallback()

void SoDragger::addStartCallback ( SoDraggerCB * func,
void * data = NULL )

Adds a callback which is called at the start of a drag, after the mouse button 1 is pressed, and dragger is picked.

◆ addValueChangedCallback()

void SoDragger::addValueChangedCallback ( SoDraggerCB * func,
void * data = NULL )

Adds a callback which is called after a dragger has changed a field. It is not called if the SoDragger::isActive field is changed.

See also

◆ appendRotation()

SbMatrix SoDragger::appendRotation ( const SbMatrix & matrix,
const SbRotation & rot,
const SbVec3f & rotcenter,
const SbMatrix * conversion = NULL )

Appends rot, around rotcenter, to matrix. If conversion is != NULL, this is used to move the rotation into that coordinate systems before appending the rotation.

◆ appendScale()

SbMatrix SoDragger::appendScale ( const SbMatrix & matrix,
const SbVec3f & scale,
const SbVec3f & scalecenter,
const SbMatrix * conversion = NULL )

Returns matrix after scale and scalecenter have been appended. If conversion != NULL it is used to transform scale into the space matrix is defined.

◆ appendTranslation()

SbMatrix SoDragger::appendTranslation ( const SbMatrix & matrix,
const SbVec3f & translation,
const SbMatrix * conversion = NULL )

Returns matrix after translation has been appended. If conversion != NULL it is used to transform translation into the space matrix is defined.

◆ callback()

void SoDragger::callback ( SoCallbackAction * action)

Action method for SoCallbackAction.

Simply updates the state according to how the node behaves for the render action, so the application programmer can use the SoCallbackAction for extracting information about the scene graph.

Reimplemented from SoBaseKit.

◆ childFinishCB()

void SoDragger::childFinishCB ( void * data,
SoDragger * child )

This API member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of interest to the application programmer.

◆ childMotionCB()

void SoDragger::childMotionCB ( void * data,
SoDragger * child )

This API member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of interest to the application programmer.

◆ childOtherEventCB()

void SoDragger::childOtherEventCB ( void * data,
SoDragger * child )

This API member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of interest to the application programmer.

◆ childStartCB()

void SoDragger::childStartCB ( void * data,
SoDragger * child )

This API member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of interest to the application programmer.

◆ childTransferMotionAndValueChangedCB()

void SoDragger::childTransferMotionAndValueChangedCB ( void * data,
SoDragger * child )

This API member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of interest to the application programmer.

◆ childValueChangedCB()

void SoDragger::childValueChangedCB ( void * data,
SoDragger * child )

This API member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of interest to the application programmer.

◆ createPathToThis()

SoPath * SoDragger::createPathToThis ( void )

Creates a new path to this dragger. Don't forget to ref() and unref() since this method creates a fresh copy for you.

◆ enableValueChangedCallbacks()

SbBool SoDragger::enableValueChangedCallbacks ( SbBool val)

Enable or disable "value changed" callbacks.

See also

◆ getActiveChildDragger()

SoDragger * SoDragger::getActiveChildDragger ( void ) const

This API member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of interest to the application programmer.

◆ getBoundingBox()

void SoDragger::getBoundingBox ( SoGetBoundingBoxAction * action)

Action method for the SoGetBoundingBoxAction.

Calculates bounding box and center coordinates for node and modifies the values of the action to encompass the bounding box for this node and to shift the center point for the scene more towards the one for this node.

Nodes influencing how geometry nodes calculate their bounding box also override this method to change the relevant state variables.

Reimplemented from SoBaseKit.

Reimplemented in SoCenterballDragger.

◆ getClassNodekitCatalog()

const SoNodekitCatalog * SoDragger::getClassNodekitCatalog ( void )

Returns the nodekit catalog which defines the layout of this class' kit.

◆ getClassNodekitCatalogPtr()

const SoNodekitCatalog ** SoDragger::getClassNodekitCatalogPtr ( void )

Returns the pointer to the pointer of the nodekit catalog for this class.

◆ getClassTypeId()

SoType SoDragger::getClassTypeId ( void )

This static method returns the SoType object associated with objects of this class.

◆ getEvent()

const SoEvent * SoDragger::getEvent ( void ) const

Returns the current event.

◆ getFieldData()

◆ getFieldDataPtr()

const SoFieldData ** SoDragger::getFieldDataPtr ( void )

This API member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of interest to the application programmer.

Returns the SoFieldData class which holds information about fields in this node.

◆ getFrontOnProjector()

SoDragger::ProjectorFrontSetting SoDragger::getFrontOnProjector ( void ) const

Returns the behaviour of the SbProjector.

◆ getHandleEventAction()

SoHandleEventAction * SoDragger::getHandleEventAction ( void ) const

Return the current (most recent) SoHandleEventAction.

◆ getLocalStartingPoint()

SbVec3f SoDragger::getLocalStartingPoint ( void )

Returns the drag starting point in the local coordinate system.

◆ getLocalToWorldMatrix()

SbMatrix SoDragger::getLocalToWorldMatrix ( void )

Returns a matrix that converts from local to world space.

◆ getLocaterPosition()

SbVec2s SoDragger::getLocaterPosition ( void )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

◆ getMatrix()

void SoDragger::getMatrix ( SoGetMatrixAction * action)

Action method for SoGetMatrixAction.

Updates action by accumulating with the transformation matrix of this node (if any).

Reimplemented from SoBaseKit.

Reimplemented in SoCenterballDragger.

◆ getMinGesture()

int SoDragger::getMinGesture ( void ) const

Returns the gesture pixels threshold value.

See also

◆ getMinScale()

float SoDragger::getMinScale ( void )

Returns the minimum scale value.

See also

◆ getMotionMatrix()

const SbMatrix & SoDragger::getMotionMatrix ( void )

Returns the motion matrix for this dragger.

◆ getNodekitCatalog()

◆ getNormalizedLocaterPosition()

SbVec2f SoDragger::getNormalizedLocaterPosition ( void )

Returns the position of the locater.

◆ getPartToLocalMatrix()

void SoDragger::getPartToLocalMatrix ( const SbName & partname,
SbMatrix & parttolocalmatrix,
SbMatrix & localtopartmatrix )

Returns matrices that will convert between local space and the space in which partname lies in.

◆ getPickedPointForStart()

const SoPickedPoint * SoDragger::getPickedPointForStart ( SoHandleEventAction * action)

Interaction with the dragger will be started, if the returned picked point belongs to the dragger. A derived class can override this method to change the condition when the dragger starts interaction, e.g. it can return the picked point on the dragger from the picked point list of the action, even if it is covered by other (semi) transparent objects. The default implementation returns the foremost picked point from the action. This method is not present in Open Inventor.

◆ getPickPath()

const SoPath * SoDragger::getPickPath ( void ) const

Returns the picked path.

◆ getPrimitiveCount()

void SoDragger::getPrimitiveCount ( SoGetPrimitiveCountAction * action)

Action method for the SoGetPrimitiveCountAction.

Calculates the number of triangle, line segment and point primitives for the node and adds these to the counters of the action.

Nodes influencing how geometry nodes calculate their primitive count also override this method to change the relevant state variables.

Reimplemented from SoBaseKit.

◆ getStartLocaterPosition()

SbVec2s SoDragger::getStartLocaterPosition ( void ) const

Returns the position when mouse button 1 was pressed.

◆ getStartMotionMatrix()

const SbMatrix & SoDragger::getStartMotionMatrix ( void )

Returns the motion matrix as it was when saveStartParameters() was called.

◆ getSurrogatePartPickedName()

const SbName & SoDragger::getSurrogatePartPickedName ( void ) const

Returns the name of the path in the SoInteractionKit that holds the current surrogate path.

◆ getSurrogatePartPickedOwner()

const SoPath * SoDragger::getSurrogatePartPickedOwner ( void ) const

Returns the path to the SoInteractionKit that holds the current surrogate path.

◆ getSurrogatePartPickedPath()

const SoPath * SoDragger::getSurrogatePartPickedPath ( void ) const

Returns the current surrogate path.

◆ getTransformFast() [1/2]

void SoDragger::getTransformFast ( SbMatrix & matrix,
SbVec3f & translation,
SbRotation & rotation,
SbVec3f & scalefactor,
SbRotation & scaleorientation )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

◆ getTransformFast() [2/2]

void SoDragger::getTransformFast ( SbMatrix & matrix,
SbVec3f & translation,
SbRotation & rotation,
SbVec3f & scalefactor,
SbRotation & scaleorientation,
const SbVec3f & center )

Can be used when there is no scaleorientation. Faster than SoDragger::workValuesIntoTransform().

◆ getTypeId()

◆ getViewportRegion()

const SbViewportRegion & SoDragger::getViewportRegion ( void )

Returns the current viewport region.

◆ getViewVolume()

const SbViewVolume & SoDragger::getViewVolume ( void )

Return the current view volume.

◆ getWorldStartingPoint()

SbVec3f SoDragger::getWorldStartingPoint ( void )

Returns the drag starting point in the world coordinate system.

◆ getWorldToLocalMatrix()

SbMatrix SoDragger::getWorldToLocalMatrix ( void )

Returns a matrix that converts from world to local space.

◆ GLRender()

void SoDragger::GLRender ( SoGLRenderAction * action)

Action method for the SoGLRenderAction.

This is called during rendering traversals. Nodes influencing the rendering state in any way or want to throw geometry primitives at OpenGL override this method.

Reimplemented from SoBaseKit.

Reimplemented in SoTabPlaneDragger.

◆ grabEventsCleanup()

void SoDragger::grabEventsCleanup ( void )

Called when dragger stops grabbing events (mouse button up).

See also

Reimplemented from SoNode.

◆ grabEventsSetup()

void SoDragger::grabEventsSetup ( void )

Called when dragger starts grabbing events (mouse button down). Overload if you need to do something extra in your dragger.

See also

Reimplemented from SoNode.

◆ handleEvent()

void SoDragger::handleEvent ( SoHandleEventAction * action)

Action method for SoHandleEventAction.

Inspects the event data from action, and processes it if it is something which this node should react to.

Nodes influencing relevant state variables for how event handling is done also override this method.

Reimplemented from SoBaseKit.

◆ initClass()

void SoDragger::initClass ( void )

Initializes type system for this dragger class.

Application programmers should usually not have to invoke this method, see documentation of SoInteraction::init().

◆ initClasses()

void SoDragger::initClasses ( void )

Initializes all built-in draggers.

◆ isAdequateConstraintMotion()

SbBool SoDragger::isAdequateConstraintMotion ( void )

Checks if the mouse pointer has been moved enough after the end-user hit a constraint mode key (which is typically SHIFT, sometimes also CTRL for the built-in draggers) that we should act upon and decide which direction the constraint should be set to.

◆ isIgnoreInBbox()

SbBool SoDragger::isIgnoreInBbox ( void )

Returns whether dragger geometry should be ignored when calculating bounding box.

◆ rayPick()

void SoDragger::rayPick ( SoRayPickAction * action)

Action method for SoRayPickAction.

Checks the ray specification of the action and tests for intersection with the data of the node.

Nodes influencing relevant state variables for how picking is done also override this method.

Reimplemented from SoBaseKit.

◆ registerChildDragger()

void SoDragger::registerChildDragger ( SoDragger * child)

Should be called by compound draggers to register child draggers.

◆ registerChildDraggerMovingIndependently()

void SoDragger::registerChildDraggerMovingIndependently ( SoDragger * child)

Should be called by compound draggers to register child draggers that should move independently of their parent.

◆ removeFinishCallback()

void SoDragger::removeFinishCallback ( SoDraggerCB * func,
void * data = NULL )

Removes a finish callback.

See also

◆ removeMotionCallback()

void SoDragger::removeMotionCallback ( SoDraggerCB * func,
void * data = NULL )

Removes a previously registered motion callback.

See also

◆ removeOtherEventCallback()

void SoDragger::removeOtherEventCallback ( SoDraggerCB * func,
void * data = NULL )

Removes a other event callback.

See also

◆ removeStartCallback()

void SoDragger::removeStartCallback ( SoDraggerCB * func,
void * data = NULL )

Removes a previously registered start callback.

See also

◆ removeValueChangedCallback()

void SoDragger::removeValueChangedCallback ( SoDraggerCB * func,
void * data = NULL )

Removes a value changed callback.

See also

◆ saveStartParameters()

void SoDragger::saveStartParameters ( void )

This is invoked to save start parameters, to enable draggers to calculate relative motion.

Default method in superclass SoDragger just saves the motion matrix, but subclasses should overload this method if other data needs to be saved.

Reimplemented in SoCenterballDragger.

◆ search()

void SoDragger::search ( SoSearchAction * action)

Action method for SoSearchAction.

Compares the search criteria from the action to see if this node is a match. Searching is done by matching up all criteria set up in the SoSearchAction – if any of the requested criteria is a miss, the search is not deemed successful for the node.

See also

Reimplemented from SoBaseKit.

◆ setActiveChildDragger()

void SoDragger::setActiveChildDragger ( SoDragger * childdragger)

This API member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of interest to the application programmer.

◆ setCameraInfo()

void SoDragger::setCameraInfo ( SoAction * action)

Store data about the current camera in the given action.

◆ setDefaultOnNonWritingFields()

void SoDragger::setDefaultOnNonWritingFields ( void )

(Be aware that this method is unlikely to be of interest to the application programmer who does not want to extend the library with new custom nodekits or draggers. If you indeed are writing extensions, see the information in the SoBaseKit class documentation.)

This is a virtual method, and the code in it should call SoField::setDefault() with argument TRUE on part fields that should not be written upon scene graph export operations.

This is typically done when:

  1. field value is NULL and part is NULL by default

  2. it is a leaf SoGroup or SoSeparator node with no children

  3. it is a leaf listpart with no children and an SoGroup or SoSeparator container

  4. it is a non-leaf part and it is of SoGroup type and all fields are at their default values

Subclasses should usually override this to do additional settings for new member fields. From the subclass, do remember to call "upwards" to your superclass' setDefaultOnNonWritingFields() method.

Reimplemented from SoInteractionKit.

Reimplemented in SoCenterballDragger, SoDirectionalLightDragger, SoDragPointDragger, SoHandleBoxDragger, SoJackDragger, SoPointLightDragger, SoSpotLightDragger, SoTabBoxDragger, SoTabPlaneDragger, SoTrackballDragger, SoTransformBoxDragger, and SoTransformerDragger.

◆ setFrontOnProjector()

void SoDragger::setFrontOnProjector ( ProjectorFrontSetting val)

Controls the behaviour of the SbProjector.

◆ setHandleEventAction()

void SoDragger::setHandleEventAction ( SoHandleEventAction * action)

Stores a handle event action.

◆ setIgnoreInBbox()

void SoDragger::setIgnoreInBbox ( SbBool val)

Sets whether dragger geometry should be ignored when calculating bounding box.

◆ setMinGesture()

void SoDragger::setMinGesture ( int pixels)

Sets the number of pixel movement needed to trigger a constraint gesture. Default is 8 pixels.

◆ setMinScale()

void SoDragger::setMinScale ( float minscalearg)

Sets the minimum scale value all scale factors are clamped against. This is used in workFieldsIntoTransform(). The default value is 0.01

◆ setMotionMatrix()

void SoDragger::setMotionMatrix ( const SbMatrix & matrix)

Sets a new current motion matrix for the dragger geometry.

Triggers value changed callbacks if matrix is not equal to the previous motion matrix.

Reimplemented in SoTranslate2Dragger, and SoTranslate1Dragger.

◆ setProjectorEpsilon()

void SoDragger::setProjectorEpsilon ( const float epsilon)

Sets the epsilon used for restricting the draggers when the intersection line is almost parallel with the projector direction.

For line projectors this is based on the dot product between the picking ray and the projector line. For plane projector, the dot product between the plane normal and the picking ray is used.

Default value is 0.0.

Coin 3.0

◆ setStartingPoint() [1/2]

void SoDragger::setStartingPoint ( const SbVec3f & point)

Sets the starting point for a drag.

◆ setStartingPoint() [2/2]

void SoDragger::setStartingPoint ( const SoPickedPoint * point)

Sets the staring point for the drag. point is usually a picked point from a SoRayPickAction.

◆ setStartLocaterPosition()

void SoDragger::setStartLocaterPosition ( SbVec2s pos)

The start locater position is automatically set when mouse button 1 goes down, but subclasses can use this method to reset the value.

◆ setTempPathToThis()

void SoDragger::setTempPathToThis ( const SoPath * somethingclose)

This function is part of the original SGI Inventor 2.1 API, but has not been implemented in Coin as it looks like a function which should probably have been private in Open Inventor.

◆ setViewportRegion()

void SoDragger::setViewportRegion ( const SbViewportRegion & vp)

Sets the current viewport region.

◆ setViewVolume()

void SoDragger::setViewVolume ( const SbViewVolume & vv)

Sets the current view volume.

◆ shouldGrabBasedOnSurrogate()

SbBool SoDragger::shouldGrabBasedOnSurrogate ( const SoPath * pickpath,
const SoPath * surrogatepath )

Checks if pickpath contains surrogatepath and returns TRUE if the tail of surrogatepath is before any dragger in pickpath.

◆ transferMotion()

void SoDragger::transferMotion ( SoDragger * child)

This API member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of interest to the application programmer.

◆ transformMatrixLocalToWorld()

void SoDragger::transformMatrixLocalToWorld ( const SbMatrix & frommatrix,
SbMatrix & tomatrix )

Convenience method that transforms the local frommatrix to a world coordinate systems matrix.

◆ transformMatrixToLocalSpace()

void SoDragger::transformMatrixToLocalSpace ( const SbMatrix & frommatrix,
SbMatrix & tomatrix,
const SbName & fromspacepartname )

Transforms a matrix that lies in the frompartname coordinate system into the local coordinate system.

◆ transformMatrixWorldToLocal()

void SoDragger::transformMatrixWorldToLocal ( const SbMatrix & frommatrix,
SbMatrix & tomatrix )

Convenience method that transforms the world frommatrix to a local coordinate systems matrix.

◆ unregisterChildDragger()

void SoDragger::unregisterChildDragger ( SoDragger * child)

Should be called by compound draggers to unregister child draggers.

◆ unregisterChildDraggerMovingIndependently()

void SoDragger::unregisterChildDraggerMovingIndependently ( SoDragger * child)

Should be called by compound draggers to unregister child draggers.

See also

◆ updateDraggerCache()

void SoDragger::updateDraggerCache ( const SoPath * path)

This API member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of interest to the application programmer.

◆ valueChanged()

void SoDragger::valueChanged ( void )

Can be called by subclasses to trigger value changed callbacks. This might be needed if a field is changed without changing the motion matrix.

◆ workFieldsIntoTransform()

void SoDragger::workFieldsIntoTransform ( SbMatrix & matrix)

Examines the fields of the dragger, changes the matrix according to those fields and leaves the rest of the matrix as it was. The following field names are supported: translation, scaleFactor, rotation and scaleOrientation.

◆ workValuesIntoTransform()

void SoDragger::workValuesIntoTransform ( SbMatrix & matrix,
const SbVec3f * translationptr,
const SbRotation * rotationptr,
const SbVec3f * scalefactorptr,
const SbRotation * scaleorientationptr,
const SbVec3f * centerptr )

Same as above, but pointers to values are supplied. If a pointer is NULL, the matrix value for that argument is used when reconstructing the matrix.

◆ write()

void SoDragger::write ( SoWriteAction * action)

Action method for SoWriteAction.

Writes out a node object, and any connected nodes, engines etc, if necessary.

Reimplemented from SoBaseKit.

Member Data Documentation

◆ isActive

SoSFBool SoDragger::isActive

Is TRUE whenever the user is interacting with the dragger. For compound draggers (draggers consisting of one or more subdraggers), the isActive field is updated only for the active subdragger, not for the compound dragger.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: