| SoScaleUniformDragger (void) |
virtual const SoNodekitCatalog * | getNodekitCatalog (void) const |
virtual SoType | getTypeId (void) const |
void | addFinishCallback (SoDraggerCB *func, void *data=NULL) |
void | addMotionCallback (SoDraggerCB *func, void *data=NULL) |
void | addOtherEventCallback (SoDraggerCB *func, void *data=NULL) |
void | addStartCallback (SoDraggerCB *func, void *data=NULL) |
void | addValueChangedCallback (SoDraggerCB *func, void *data=NULL) |
virtual void | callback (SoCallbackAction *action) |
SoPath * | createPathToThis (void) |
SbBool | enableValueChangedCallbacks (SbBool newval) |
const SoEvent * | getEvent (void) const |
ProjectorFrontSetting | getFrontOnProjector (void) const |
SoHandleEventAction * | getHandleEventAction (void) const |
SbVec3f | getLocalStartingPoint (void) |
SbMatrix | getLocalToWorldMatrix (void) |
virtual void | getMatrix (SoGetMatrixAction *action) |
int | getMinGesture (void) const |
const SbMatrix & | getMotionMatrix (void) |
void | getPartToLocalMatrix (const SbName &partname, SbMatrix &parttolocalmatrix, SbMatrix &localtopartmatrix) |
const SoPath * | getPickPath (void) const |
virtual void | getPrimitiveCount (SoGetPrimitiveCountAction *action) |
float | getProjectorEpsilon (void) const |
const SbMatrix & | getStartMotionMatrix (void) |
const SbName & | getSurrogatePartPickedName (void) const |
const SoPath * | getSurrogatePartPickedOwner (void) const |
const SoPath * | getSurrogatePartPickedPath (void) const |
const SbViewportRegion & | getViewportRegion (void) |
const SbViewVolume & | getViewVolume (void) |
SbVec3f | getWorldStartingPoint (void) |
SbMatrix | getWorldToLocalMatrix (void) |
virtual void | GLRender (SoGLRenderAction *action) |
virtual void | grabEventsCleanup (void) |
virtual void | grabEventsSetup (void) |
virtual void | rayPick (SoRayPickAction *action) |
void | registerChildDragger (SoDragger *child) |
void | registerChildDraggerMovingIndependently (SoDragger *child) |
void | removeFinishCallback (SoDraggerCB *func, void *data=NULL) |
void | removeMotionCallback (SoDraggerCB *func, void *data=NULL) |
void | removeOtherEventCallback (SoDraggerCB *func, void *data=NULL) |
void | removeStartCallback (SoDraggerCB *func, void *data=NULL) |
void | removeValueChangedCallback (SoDraggerCB *func, void *data=NULL) |
virtual void | saveStartParameters (void) |
virtual void | search (SoSearchAction *action) |
void | setFrontOnProjector (ProjectorFrontSetting newval) |
void | setHandleEventAction (SoHandleEventAction *newAction) |
void | setMinGesture (int pixels) |
virtual void | setMotionMatrix (const SbMatrix &newmatrix) |
void | setProjectorEpsilon (const float epsilon) |
void | setStartingPoint (const SbVec3f &newpoint) |
void | setStartingPoint (const SoPickedPoint *newpoint) |
void | setTempPathToThis (const SoPath *somethingclose) |
void | setViewportRegion (const SbViewportRegion ®) |
void | setViewVolume (const SbViewVolume &vol) |
void | transformMatrixLocalToWorld (const SbMatrix &frommatrix, SbMatrix &tomatrix) |
void | transformMatrixToLocalSpace (const SbMatrix &frommatrix, SbMatrix &tomatrix, const SbName &fromspacepartname) |
void | transformMatrixWorldToLocal (const SbMatrix &frommatrix, SbMatrix &tomatrix) |
void | unregisterChildDragger (SoDragger *child) |
void | unregisterChildDraggerMovingIndependently (SoDragger *child) |
void | valueChanged (void) |
void | workFieldsIntoTransform (SbMatrix &mtx) |
virtual void | write (SoWriteAction *action) |
| SoInteractionKit (void) |
SbBool | isPathSurrogateInMySubgraph (const SoPath *path) |
SbBool | isPathSurrogateInMySubgraph (const SoPath *path, SoPath *&pathToOwner, SbName &surrogatename, SoPath *&surrogatepath, SbBool fillargs=TRUE) |
virtual SbBool | setPart (const SbName &partname, SoNode *from) |
virtual SbBool | setPartAsDefault (const SbName &partname, const SbName &nodename, SbBool onlyifdefault=TRUE) |
virtual SbBool | setPartAsDefault (const SbName &partname, SoNode *node, SbBool onlyifdefault=TRUE) |
virtual SbBool | setPartAsPath (const SbName &partname, SoPath *path) |
| SoBaseKit (void) |
virtual void | addWriteReference (SoOutput *out, SbBool isfromfield=FALSE) |
virtual SoNodeKitPath * | createPathToPart (const SbName &partname, SbBool makeifneeded, const SoPath *pathtoextend=NULL) |
virtual void | doAction (SoAction *action) |
SbBool | forceChildDrivenWriteRefs (SoOutput *out) |
virtual SoChildList * | getChildren (void) const |
virtual SoNode * | getPart (const SbName &partname, SbBool makeifneeded) |
SbString | getPartString (const SoBase *part) |
void | printDiagram (void) |
void | printSubDiagram (const SbName &rootname, int level) |
void | printTable (void) |
SbBool | set (const char *namevaluepairliststring) |
SbBool | set (const char *partnamestring, const char *parameterstring) |
virtual SbBool | affectsState (void) const |
virtual void | audioRender (SoAudioRenderAction *action) |
virtual SoNode * | copy (SbBool copyconnections=FALSE) const |
virtual SoFieldContainer * | copyThroughConnection (void) const |
SbUniqueId | getNodeId (void) const |
NodeType | getNodeType (void) const |
virtual void | GLRenderBelowPath (SoGLRenderAction *action) |
virtual void | GLRenderInPath (SoGLRenderAction *action) |
virtual void | GLRenderOffPath (SoGLRenderAction *action) |
SbBool | isOverride (void) const |
virtual void | notify (SoNotList *l) |
virtual void | pick (SoPickAction *action) |
void | setNodeType (const NodeType type) |
void | setOverride (const SbBool state) |
virtual void | startNotify (void) |
virtual void | writeInstance (SoOutput *out) |
void | copyFieldValues (const SoFieldContainer *container, SbBool copyconnections=FALSE) |
SbBool | enableNotify (const SbBool flag) |
SbBool | fieldsAreEqual (const SoFieldContainer *container) const |
void | get (SbString &fielddata) |
void | get (SbString &fielddata, SoOutput *out) |
virtual int | getAllFields (SoFieldList &l) const |
virtual SoField * | getEventIn (const SbName &name) const |
virtual SoField * | getEventOut (const SbName &name) const |
virtual SoField * | getField (const SbName &name) const |
SbBool | getFieldName (const SoField *const field, SbName &name) const |
virtual int | getFields (SoFieldList &l) const |
virtual void | getFieldsMemorySize (size_t &managed, size_t &unmanaged) const |
SbBool | getIsBuiltIn (void) const |
void * | getUserData (void) const |
SbBool | hasDefaultValues (void) const |
SbBool | isNotifyEnabled (void) const |
SbBool | set (const char *const fielddata) |
SbBool | set (const char *fielddata, SoInput *input) |
void | setToDefaults (void) |
void | setUserData (void *userdata) const |
virtual SbBool | validateNewFieldValue (SoField *field, void *newval) |
void | addAuditor (void *const auditor, const SoNotRec::Type type) |
void | assertAlive (void) const |
const SoAuditorList & | getAuditors (void) const |
virtual SbName | getName (void) const |
int32_t | getRefCount (void) const |
SbBool | isOfType (SoType type) const |
| Returns TRUE if the type of this object is either of the same type or inherited from type.
void | ref (void) const |
void | removeAuditor (void *const auditor, const SoNotRec::Type type) |
virtual void | setName (const SbName &newname) |
SbBool | shouldWrite (void) |
void | touch (void) |
void | unref (void) const |
void | unrefNoDelete (void) const |
static const SoNodekitCatalog * | getClassNodekitCatalog (void) |
static SoType | getClassTypeId (void) |
static void | initClass (void) |
static SbMatrix | appendRotation (const SbMatrix &mtx, const SbRotation &rot, const SbVec3f &rotcenter, const SbMatrix *conversion=NULL) |
static SbMatrix | appendScale (const SbMatrix &mtx, const SbVec3f &scale, const SbVec3f &scalecenter, const SbMatrix *conversion=NULL) |
static SbMatrix | appendTranslation (const SbMatrix &mtx, const SbVec3f &translation, const SbMatrix *conversion=NULL) |
static const SoNodekitCatalog * | getClassNodekitCatalog (void) |
static SoType | getClassTypeId (void) |
static float | getMinScale (void) |
static void | getTransformFast (SbMatrix &mtx, SbVec3f &translation, SbRotation &rotation, SbVec3f &scalefactor, SbRotation &scaleorientation) |
static void | getTransformFast (SbMatrix &mtx, SbVec3f &translation, SbRotation &rotation, SbVec3f &scalefactor, SbRotation &scaleorientation, const SbVec3f ¢er) |
static void | initClass (void) |
static void | initClasses (void) |
static void | setMinScale (float newminscale) |
static void | workValuesIntoTransform (SbMatrix &mtx, const SbVec3f *translationptr, const SbRotation *rotationptr, const SbVec3f *scalefactorptr, const SbRotation *scaleorientationptr, const SbVec3f *centerptr) |
static const SoNodekitCatalog * | getClassNodekitCatalog (void) |
static SoType | getClassTypeId (void) |
static void | initClass (void) |
| Sets up initialization for data common to all instances of this class, like submitting necessary information to the Coin type system.
static void | setSwitchValue (SoNode *node, const int newVal) |
static const SoNodekitCatalog * | getClassNodekitCatalog (void) |
static SoType | getClassTypeId (void) |
static void | initClass (void) |
static SbBool | isSearchingChildren (void) |
static void | setSearchingChildren (const SbBool newval) |
static void | audioRenderS (SoAction *action, SoNode *node) |
static void | callbackS (SoAction *action, SoNode *node) |
static int | getActionMethodIndex (const SoType type) |
static void | getBoundingBoxS (SoAction *action, SoNode *node) |
static SoNode * | getByName (const SbName &name) |
static int | getByName (const SbName &name, SoNodeList &l) |
static SoType | getClassTypeId (void) |
static uint32_t | getCompatibilityTypes (const SoType &nodetype) |
static void | getMatrixS (SoAction *action, SoNode *node) |
static SbUniqueId | getNextNodeId (void) |
static void | getPrimitiveCountS (SoAction *action, SoNode *node) |
static void | GLRenderS (SoAction *action, SoNode *node) |
static void | handleEventS (SoAction *action, SoNode *node) |
static void | initClass (void) |
| Sets up initialization for data common to all instances of this class, like submitting necessary information to the Coin type system.
static void | initClasses (void) |
static void | pickS (SoAction *action, SoNode *node) |
static void | rayPickS (SoAction *action, SoNode *node) |
static void | searchS (SoAction *action, SoNode *node) |
static void | writeS (SoAction *action, SoNode *node) |
static void | addCopy (const SoFieldContainer *orig, const SoFieldContainer *copy) |
static SoFieldContainer * | checkCopy (const SoFieldContainer *orig) |
static void | cleanupClass (void) |
static void | copyDone (void) |
static SoFieldContainer * | findCopy (const SoFieldContainer *orig, const SbBool copyconnections) |
static SoType | getClassTypeId (void) |
| This static method returns the SoType object associated with objects of this class.
static void | initClass (void) |
| Sets up initialization for data common to all instances of this class, like submitting necessary information to the Coin type system.
static void | initCopyDict (void) |
static void | addName (SoBase *const base, const char *const name) |
static SbBool | connectRoute (SoInput *input, const SbName &fromnodename, const SbName &fromfieldname, const SbName &tonodename, const SbName &tofieldname) |
static void | decrementCurrentWriteCounter (void) |
static SoType | getClassTypeId (void) |
| This static method returns the SoType object associated with objects of this class.
static SoBase * | getNamedBase (const SbName &name, SoType type) |
static int | getNamedBases (const SbName &name, SoBaseList &baselist, SoType type) |
static SbBool | getTraceRefs (void) |
static void | incrementCurrentWriteCounter (void) |
static void | initClass (void) |
| Sets up initialization for data common to all instances of this class, like submitting necessary information to the Coin type system.
static SbBool | read (SoInput *input, SoBase *&base, SoType expectedtype) |
static SbBool | readRoute (SoInput *input) |
static void | removeName (SoBase *const base, const char *const name) |
static void | setInstancePrefix (const SbString &c) |
static void | setTraceRefs (SbBool trace) |
virtual | ~SoScaleUniformDragger (void) |
void | drag (void) |
void | dragFinish (void) |
void | dragStart (void) |
virtual const SoFieldData * | getFieldData (void) const |
virtual SbBool | setUpConnections (SbBool onoff, SbBool doitalways=FALSE) |
| SoDragger (void) |
virtual | ~SoDragger (void) |
SoDragger * | getActiveChildDragger (void) const |
virtual void | getBoundingBox (SoGetBoundingBoxAction *action) |
SbVec2s | getLocaterPosition (void) |
SbVec2f | getNormalizedLocaterPosition (void) |
virtual const SoPickedPoint * | getPickedPointForStart (SoHandleEventAction *action) |
SbVec2s | getStartLocaterPosition (void) const |
virtual void | handleEvent (SoHandleEventAction *ha) |
SbBool | isAdequateConstraintMotion (void) |
SbBool | isIgnoreInBbox (void) |
void | setActiveChildDragger (SoDragger *newchilddragger) |
void | setCameraInfo (SoAction *action) |
virtual void | setDefaultOnNonWritingFields (void) |
void | setIgnoreInBbox (SbBool newval) |
void | setStartLocaterPosition (SbVec2s p) |
virtual SbBool | shouldGrabBasedOnSurrogate (const SoPath *pickpath, const SoPath *surrogatepath) |
void | transferMotion (SoDragger *child) |
void | updateDraggerCache (const SoPath *path) |
virtual | ~SoInteractionKit () |
void | connectSeparatorFields (SoSeparator *dest, SbBool onOff) |
virtual void | copyContents (const SoFieldContainer *fromFC, SbBool copyConnections) |
virtual SbBool | readInstance (SoInput *in, unsigned short flags) |
virtual SbBool | setAnyPartAsDefault (const SbName &partname, const SbName &nodename, SbBool anypart=TRUE, SbBool onlyifdefault=TRUE) |
virtual SbBool | setAnyPartAsDefault (const SbName &partname, SoNode *node, SbBool anypart=TRUE, SbBool onlyifdefault=TRUE) |
SbBool | setAnySurrogatePath (const SbName &name, SoPath *path, SbBool leafcheck=FALSE, SbBool publiccheck=FALSE) |
virtual SbBool | setPart (const int partNum, SoNode *node) |
virtual | ~SoBaseKit () |
virtual SoNode * | addToCopyDict (void) const |
void | catalogError (void) |
void | countMyFields (SoOutput *out) |
virtual void | createDefaultParts (void) |
void | createFieldList (void) |
void | createNodekitPartsList (void) |
virtual SoNodeKitPath * | createPathToAnyPart (const SbName &partname, SbBool makeifneeded, SbBool leafcheck=FALSE, SbBool publiccheck=FALSE, const SoPath *pathtoextend=NULL) |
virtual SoNode * | getAnyPart (const SbName &partname, SbBool makeifneeded, SbBool leafcheck=FALSE, SbBool publiccheck=FALSE) |
const SbList< SoSFNode * > & | getCatalogInstances (void) const |
SoGroup * | getContainerNode (const SbName &listname, SbBool makeifneeded=TRUE) |
const SoNodekitParts * | getNodekitPartsList (void) const |
virtual SbBool | setAnyPart (const SbName &partname, SoNode *from, SbBool anypart=TRUE) |
| SoNode (void) |
virtual | ~SoNode () |
| SoFieldContainer (void) |
virtual | ~SoFieldContainer () |
| SoBase (void) |
virtual | ~SoBase () |
virtual SoNotRec | createNotRec (void) |
virtual void | destroy (void) |
virtual const char * | getFileFormatName (void) const |
SbBool | hasMultipleWriteRefs (void) const |
void | writeFooter (SoOutput *out) const |
SbBool | writeHeader (SoOutput *out, SbBool isgroup, SbBool isengine) const |
static void | fieldSensorCB (void *f, SoSensor *s) |
static void | finishCB (void *f, SoDragger *d) |
static const SoNodekitCatalog ** | getClassNodekitCatalogPtr (void) |
static const SoFieldData ** | getFieldDataPtr (void) |
static void | motionCB (void *f, SoDragger *d) |
static void | startCB (void *f, SoDragger *d) |
static void | valueChangedCB (void *f, SoDragger *d) |
static void | childFinishCB (void *, SoDragger *) |
static void | childMotionCB (void *, SoDragger *) |
static void | childOtherEventCB (void *, SoDragger *) |
static void | childStartCB (void *, SoDragger *) |
static void | childTransferMotionAndValueChangedCB (void *, SoDragger *) |
static void | childValueChangedCB (void *, SoDragger *) |
static const SoNodekitCatalog ** | getClassNodekitCatalogPtr (void) |
static const SoFieldData ** | getFieldDataPtr (void) |
static void | fieldSensorCB (void *, SoSensor *) |
static const SoNodekitCatalog ** | getClassNodekitCatalogPtr (void) |
static const SoFieldData ** | getFieldDataPtr (void) |
static void | readDefaultParts (const char *fileName, const char defaultBuffer[], int defBufSize) |
static const SoNodekitCatalog ** | getClassNodekitCatalogPtr (void) |
static const SoFieldData ** | getFieldDataPtr (void) |
static const SoFieldData ** | getFieldDataPtr (void) |
static int | getNextActionMethodIndex (void) |
static void | incNextActionMethodIndex (void) |
static void | setCompatibilityTypes (const SoType &nodetype, const uint32_t bitmask) |
static void | setNextActionMethodIndex (int index) |
static uint32_t | getCurrentWriteCounter (void) |
static void | staticDataLock (void) |
static void | staticDataUnlock (void) |
enum | ProjectorFrontSetting { FRONT
} |
enum | CacheEnabled { OFF
, ON
} |
enum | NodeType {
INVENTOR = 0x0000
, VRML1 = 0x0001
, VRML2 = 0x0002
, INVENTOR_1 = 0x0004
INVENTOR_2_0 = 0x0008
, INVENTOR_2_1 = 0x0010
, INVENTOR_2_5 = 0x0020
, INVENTOR_2_6 = 0x0040
COIN_1_0 = 0x0080
, COIN_2_0 = 0x0100
, EXTENSION = 0x0200
, COIN_2_2 = 0x0400
COIN_2_3 = 0x0800
, COIN_2_4 = 0x1000
, INVENTOR_5_0 = 0x2000
, COIN_2_5 = 0x4000
COIN_3_0 = 0x8000
, INVENTOR_6_0 = 0x10000
, COIN_4_0 = 0x20000
} |
enum | BaseFlags { IS_ENGINE = 0x01
, IS_GROUP = 0x02
} |
static int | nextActionMethodIndex = 0 |
static SbUniqueId | nextUniqueId = 1 |
The SoScaleUniformDragger class provides a mechanism for the end-user to scale in three dimensions.
Here's how the dragger looks with its default geometry in the inactive state:
Screen Shot of Default Dragger
Use this dragger to allow the end-user of your application to scale simultaneously along all the axes.
Scaling with this dragger can only be done in a uniform manner, i.e. the X, Y and Z components of the SoScaleUniformDragger::scaleFactor will always be exactly equal.
- See also
- SoScale2UniformDragger
SoScaleUniformDragger::SoScaleUniformDragger |
( |
void | | ) |
Default constructor, sets up the dragger nodekit catalog with the interaction and feedback geometry.
Nodekit structure (new entries versus parent class marked with arrow prefix):
CLASS SoScaleUniformDragger
--> "scalerSwitch"
--> "scaler"
--> "scalerActive"
--> "feedbackSwitch"
--> "feedback"
--> "feedbackActive"
(See SoBaseKit::printDiagram() for information about the output formatting.)
Detailed information on catalog parts:
CLASS SoScaleUniformDragger
PVT "this", SoScaleUniformDragger ---
"callbackList", SoNodeKitListPart [ SoCallback, SoEventCallback ]
PVT "topSeparator", SoSeparator ---
PVT "motionMatrix", SoMatrixTransform ---
PVT "geomSeparator", SoSeparator ---
PVT "scalerSwitch", SoSwitch ---
"scaler", SoSeparator ---
"scalerActive", SoSeparator ---
PVT "feedbackSwitch", SoSwitch ---
"feedback", SoSeparator ---
"feedbackActive", SoSeparator ---
(See SoBaseKit::printTable() for information about the output formatting.)