Here is a list of all documented variables with links to the class documentation for each member:
- n -
- name : SoFile, SoFont, SoShaderParameter, SoWWWAnchor, SoWWWInline
- nearDist : SbViewVolume
- nearDistance : SoCamera, SoShadowSpotLight
- nearToFar : SbViewVolume
- needSetup : SbCylinderProjector, SbPlaneProjector, SbSphereProjector
- nextActionMethodIndex : SoNode
- nextUniqueId : SoNode
- node : SoComputeBoundingBox
- nodeId : SoReplacedElement
- nodeIds : SoAccumulatedElement
- nonOrientPlane : SbPlaneProjector
- normal : SoVertexProperty, SoVRMLElevationGrid, SoVRMLVertexShape
- normalBinding : SoVertexProperty
- normalDirection : SoTransformVec3f
- normalIndex : SoIndexedShape, SoVRMLIndexedShape
- normalPerVertex : SoVRMLElevationGrid, SoVRMLVertexShape
- normals : SoNormalElement
- num : SoMField
- numControlPoints : SoIndexedNurbsCurve, SoNurbsCurve
- numcoords : SoBumpMapCoordinateElement
- numCoords : SoCoordinateElement, SoProfileCoordinateElement
- numElements1 : SoArray
- numElements2 : SoArray
- numElements3 : SoArray
- numEnums : SoMFEnum, SoSFEnum
- numNodesUpToContainer : SoSurroundScale
- numNodesUpToReset : SoSurroundScale
- numNormals : SoNormalElement
- numPoints : SoPointSet
- numSControlPoints : SoIndexedNurbsSurface, SoNurbsSurface
- numTControlPoints : SoIndexedNurbsSurface, SoNurbsSurface
- numUControlPoints : SoIndexedNurbsSurface, SoNurbsSurface
- numVControlPoints : SoIndexedNurbsSurface, SoNurbsSurface
- numVertices : SoFaceSet, SoLineSet, SoTriangleStripSet