Here is a list of all documented variables with links to the class documentation for each member:
- p -
- parameter : SoShaderObject, SoVRMLAnchor
- part : SoConeDetail, SoCubeDetail, SoCylinderDetail
- parts : SoCone, SoCylinder, SoText3
- passnr : SoGLRenderPassElement
- path : SoComputeBoundingBox, SoPathSwitch
- pause : SoElapsedTime
- pickCBData : SoSelection
- pickCBFunc : SoSelection
- pickCulling : SoInteractionKit, SoSeparator, SoSeparatorKit
- pickMatching : SoSelection
- pitch : SoVRMLAudioClip
- plane : SbPlaneProjector, SoClipPlane
- planeDir : SbCylinderSectionProjector, SbCylinderSheetProjector, SbSphereSectionProjector, SbSphereSheetProjector
- planeDist : SbCylinderSectionProjector, SbSphereSectionProjector, SbSphereSheetProjector
- planeFieldSensor : SoClipPlaneManip
- planeLine : SbCylinderSectionProjector
- planePoint : SbSphereSectionProjector, SbSphereSheetProjector
- planeProj : SoRotateDiscDragger, SoScale2Dragger, SoSpotLightDragger, SoTranslate2Dragger
- planes : SoClipPlaneElement
- point : SoBumpMapCoordinate, SoCoordinate3, SoCoordinate4, SoGeoCoordinate, SoProfileCoordinate2, SoProfileCoordinate3, SoTextureCoordinate2, SoTextureCoordinate3, SoTransformVec3f, SoVRMLCoordinate, SoVRMLTextureCoordinate
- pointSize : SoDrawStyle
- policy : SoSelection, SoTextureScalePolicy
- position : SoCamera, SoListener, SoListenerPositionElement, SoVRMLViewpoint
- position_changed : SoVRMLProximitySensor
- precision : SoShadowGroup
- prevMotionMatrix : SoRotateSphericalDragger
- prevWorldHitPt : SoRotateSphericalDragger
- priority : SoVRMLSound
- profiles : SoProfileElement
- projDir : SbViewVolume
- projectionMatrix : SoProjectionMatrixElement
- projPoint : SbViewVolume
- proxy : SoVRMLCollision
- ptinsidefunc : SbOctTreeFuncs