Here is a list of all documented variables with links to the class documentation for each member:
- m -
- map : SoWWWAnchor
- mappingMethod : SoTextureUnit
- markerIndex : SoMarkerSet
- material : SoVRMLAppearance
- materialBinding : SoVertexProperty
- materialIndex : SoIndexedShape
- matrix : SoComposeMatrix, SoDecomposeMatrix, SoMatrixTransform, SoMultipleCopy, SoTextureMatrixTransform, SoTransformVec3f
- matrixlist : SoLightElement
- matrixTransform : SoShaderStateMatrixParameter
- matrixType : SoShaderStateMatrixParameter
- max : SoComputeBoundingBox, SoCounter, SoTimeCounter
- maxAngle : SoVRMLCylinderSensor
- maxBack : SoVRMLSound
- maxEmit : SoGeometryShader
- maxExtent : SoVRMLText
- maxFront : SoVRMLSound
- maxNum : SoMField
- maxPosition : SoVRMLPlaneSensor
- maxShadowDistance : SoShadowDirectionalLight
- maxTranslation : SoTranslate1Dragger
- memValue : SoCacheHint
- min : SoComputeBoundingBox, SoCounter, SoTimeCounter
- minAngle : SoVRMLCylinderSensor
- minBack : SoVRMLSound
- minDiscRotDot : SoTransformerDragger
- minFront : SoVRMLSound
- minPosition : SoVRMLPlaneSensor
- minTranslation : SoTranslate1Dragger
- mode : SoLocateHighlight, SoShadowCulling
- model : SoLightModel, SoSceneTexture2, SoTexture2, SoTexture3, SoTextureCubeMap
- modelMatrix : SoModelMatrixElement
- mouseDownPickPath : SoSelection
- myNodeKit : SoNodeKitDetail
- myPart : SoNodeKitDetail
- myPartName : SoNodeKitDetail