Here is a list of all documented variables with links to the class documentation for each member:
- c -
- C : SoCalculator
- c : SoCalculator
- cachedInvScale : SoSurroundScale
- cachedScale : SoSurroundScale
- cachedTranslation : SoSurroundScale
- cacheOK : SoSurroundScale
- callPickCBOnlyIfSelectable : SoSelection
- ccw : SoVRMLElevationGrid, SoVRMLIndexedFaceSet
- center : SoBumpMapTransform, SoCenterballDragger, SoComposeMatrix, SoDecomposeMatrix, SoLOD, SoTexture2Transform, SoTexture3Transform, SoTransform, SoVRMLLOD, SoVRMLProximitySensor, SoVRMLTextureTransform, SoVRMLTransform, SoVRMLVisibilitySensor
- centerFieldSensor : SoCenterballDragger, SoTransformManip
- changeCBList : SoSelection
- children : SoBaseKit, SoClipPlaneManip, SoDirectionalLightManip, SoGroup, SoNodeKitListPart, SoPointLightManip, SoSpotLightManip, SoTransformManip, SoVRMLParent
- choice : SoVRMLSwitch
- classStackIndex : SoElement
- collide : SoVRMLCollision
- collideTime : SoVRMLCollision
- color : SoLight, SoLocateHighlight, SoVRMLColor, SoVRMLElevationGrid, SoVRMLFog, SoVRMLLight, SoVRMLVertexLine, SoVRMLVertexPoint, SoVRMLVertexShape
- colorFieldSensor : SoDirectionalLightManip, SoPointLightManip, SoSpotLightManip
- colorIndex : SoVRMLIndexedShape
- colorPerVertex : SoVRMLElevationGrid, SoVRMLVertexLine, SoVRMLVertexShape
- combinedMatrix : SoModelMatrixElement
- connectionsSetUp : SoBaseKit
- context : SoWindowElement
- convex : SoVRMLIndexedFaceSet
- coord : SoVRMLVertexLine, SoVRMLVertexPoint, SoVRMLVertexShape
- coordIndex : SoIndexedNurbsCurve, SoIndexedNurbsSurface, SoIndexedShape, SoVRMLIndexedShape
- coords : SoBumpMapCoordinateElement
- coords2 : SoProfileCoordinateElement
- coords3 : SoProfileCoordinateElement
- coords3D : SoCoordinateElement
- coords4D : SoCoordinateElement
- coordsAre2D : SoProfileCoordinateElement
- creaseAngle : SoShapeHints, SoVRMLElevationGrid, SoVRMLIndexedFaceSet
- cullMatrix : SoModelMatrixElement
- cutOffAngle : SoSpotLight, SoVRMLSpotLight
- cycleInterval : SoVRMLTimeSensor
- cycleTime : SoVRMLTimeSensor
- cylinder : SbCylinderProjector
- cylinderProj : SoRotateCylindricalDragger