Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- r -
- rayPick() : SoBaseKit, SoBumpMap, SoCamera, SoCone, SoCube, SoCylinder, SoDragger, SoGeoSeparator, SoImage, SoIndexedNurbsCurve, SoIndexedNurbsSurface, SoLevelOfDetail, SoLOD, SoNode, SoNurbsCurve, SoNurbsSurface, SoProfilerStats, SoSceneTexture2, SoSceneTextureCubeMap, SoSeparator, SoShape, SoSphere, SoText2, SoTexture2, SoTextureCubeMap, SoVRMLBox, SoVRMLCone, SoVRMLCylinder, SoVRMLElevationGrid, SoVRMLGroup, SoVRMLImageTexture, SoVRMLLOD, SoVRMLPixelTexture, SoVRMLProximitySensor, SoVRMLShape, SoVRMLSphere, SoVRMLTransform
- rayPickS() : SoNode
- read() : SoBase, SoDB, SoField, SoFieldData, SoInput, SoVRMLAudioClip
- readAll() : SoDB
- readAllVRML() : SoDB
- readBinaryArray() : SoInput
- readBuffer() : ScXML
- readByte() : SoInput
- readChar() : SoInput
- readChildren() : SoGroup
- readConnection() : SoField
- readDefaultParts() : SoInteractionKit
- readDescriptions() : SoEngineOutputData
- readDigits() : SoInput
- readFieldDescriptions() : SoFieldData
- readFile() : SbImage, ScXML, SoForeignFileKit, SoSTLFileKit
- readHex() : SoInput
- readHexDigits() : SoInput
- readImage() : SoTexture2, SoTextureCubeMap
- readInstance() : SoBase, SoBaseKit, SoBumpMap, SoEngine, SoFieldContainer, SoFile, SoGroup, SoImage, SoInteractionKit, SoNode, SoNodeEngine, SoNodeKitListPart, SoNormalBinding, SoProto, SoProtoInstance, SoSeparator, SoShaderObject, SoTexture2, SoTexture3, SoTextureCoordinateBinding, SoTextureCubeMap, SoVertexAttribute, SoVRMLBackground, SoVRMLImageTexture, SoVRMLLOD, SoVRMLParent, SoVRMLPixelTexture, SoVRMLSwitch, SoWWWInline
- readInteger() : SoInput
- readLock() : SbImage
- readlock() : SoDB
- readLockNormalCache() : SoVertexShape, SoVRMLVertexShape
- readNamedFile() : SoFile
- readReal() : SoInput
- readRoute() : SoBase
- readScene() : SoSTLFileKit
- readUnlock() : SbImage
- readunlock() : SoDB
- readUnlockNormalCache() : SoVertexShape, SoVRMLVertexShape
- readUnsignedInteger() : SoInput
- readUnsignedIntegerString() : SoInput
- readValue() : SoField
- reallyAdjustScaleTabSize() : SoTabPlaneDragger
- recalc() : SoAntiSquish
- recalculateWidth() : SoNodeVisualize
- recenter() : SoTransform, SoVRMLTransform
- recursiveSearch() : SoNodekitCatalog
- redraw() : SoRenderManager, SoSceneManager
- redrawHighlighted() : SoLocateHighlight, SoWWWAnchor
- ref() : SoBase, SoCache, SoGLDisplayList
- referencesCopy() : SoField, SoMFEngine, SoMFNode, SoMFPath, SoSFEngine, SoSFNode, SoSFPath
- registerChildDragger() : SoDragger
- registerChildDraggerMovingIndependently() : SoDragger
- registerClassType() : ScXMLObject
- registerFileExtension() : SoForeignFileKit
- registerHeader() : SoDB
- registerInvokeClassType() : ScXMLObject
- reinitialize() : SoRenderManager, SoSceneManager
- releaseEvents() : SoEventCallback
- releaseGrabber() : SoHandleEventAction
- remove() : SbDict, SbHeap, SbList< Type >, SbPList, SoAuditorList, SoBaseList, SoChildList
- removeAllChildren() : SoGroup, SoVRMLLOD, SoVRMLParent, SoVRMLSwitch
- removeAllChoices() : SoVRMLSwitch
- removeAllLevels() : SoVRMLLOD
- removeAllNodes() : SoMFNode
- removeAuditor() : SoBase, SoField
- removeCallback() : SoCallbackList
- removeChangeCallback() : SoSelection
- removeChild() : SoGroup, SoNodeKitListPart, SoVRMLLOD, SoVRMLParent, SoVRMLSwitch
- removeChoice() : SoVRMLSwitch
- removeConnection() : SoEngineOutput
- removeContextDestructionCallback() : SoContextHandler
- removeDEFNode() : SoOutput
- removeDelaySensor() : SoSensorManager
- removeDeleteCallback() : ScXMLStateMachine
- removeDeselectionCallback() : SoSelection
- removeDirectory() : SoInput
- removeEventCallback() : SoEventCallback
- removeFast() : SbList< Type >, SbPList
- removeFinishCallback() : SoDragger, SoSelection
- removeIndex() : SoPath
- removeIntersectionCallback() : SoIntersectionDetectionAction
- removeItem() : SbList< Type >, SbOctTree, SbPList, SoBaseList
- removeLevel() : SoVRMLLOD
- removeMarker() : SoMarkerSet
- removeMotionCallback() : SoDragger
- removeName() : SoBase
- removeNode() : SoMFNode
- removeOtherEventCallback() : SoDragger
- removePart() : SoCone, SoCylinder
- removePath() : SoSelection
- removePathAuditor() : SoChildList
- removePoint() : SbBSPTree
- removePostRenderCallback() : SoRenderManager
- removePreRenderCallback() : SoGLRenderAction, SoRenderManager
- removeProgressCallback() : SoDB
- removeReadImageCB() : SbImage
- removeReference() : SoInput, SoProto
- removeRescheduledTimer() : SoSensorManager
- removeRoute() : SoDB
- removeSelectionCallback() : SoSelection
- removeSoScXMLStateMachine() : SoEventManager
- removeStartCallback() : SoDragger, SoSelection
- removeStateChangeCallback() : ScXMLStateMachine
- removeSuperimposition() : SoRenderManager
- removeTimerSensor() : SoSensorManager
- removeType() : SoType
- removeValueChangedCallback() : SoDragger
- removeVisitationCallback() : SoIntersectionDetectionAction
- renameGlobalField() : SoDB
- render() : SoOffscreenRenderer, SoRenderManager, SoSceneManager
- renderScene() : SoRenderManager
- renderSingle() : SoRenderManager
- renderStereo() : SoRenderManager
- replaceChild() : SoGroup, SoNodeKitListPart, SoVRMLLOD, SoVRMLParent, SoVRMLSwitch
- replaceChoice() : SoVRMLSwitch
- replaceIndex() : SoPath
- replaceLevel() : SoVRMLLOD
- replaceManip() : SoClipPlaneManip, SoDirectionalLightManip, SoPointLightManip, SoSpotLightManip, SoTransformManip
- replaceNode() : SoClipPlaneManip, SoDirectionalLightManip, SoMFNode, SoPointLightManip, SoSpotLightManip, SoTransformManip
- replaceTail() : SoTempPath
- requestURLData() : SoVRMLInline, SoWWWInline
- reschedule() : SoTimerSensor
- rescheduleTimer() : SoSensorManager
- reset() : SbClip, SbProfilingData, SoBBoxModelMatrixElement, SoGLLazyElement, SoNodeVisualize, SoNormalGenerator, SoOutput, SoRayPickAction, SoScXMLZoomTarget, SoSearchAction, SoSTLFileKit
- resetAll() : SoLocalBBoxMatrixElement
- resetAutoCacheBits() : SoGLCacheContextElement
- resetBuffer() : SoOutput
- resetCenter() : SoGetBoundingBoxAction
- resetFilePointer() : SoInput
- resetHeaderString() : SoOutput
- resolveRoutes() : SoOutput
- reuseAppearanceNodes() : SoToVRML2Action
- reuseGeometryNodes() : SoToVRML2Action
- reusePropertyNodes() : SoToVRML2Action
- rotateBy() : SoBumpMapMatrixElement, SoLocalBBoxMatrixElement, SoModelMatrixElement
- rotateCamera() : SbDPViewVolume, SbViewVolume
- rotateEltBy() : SoBBoxModelMatrixElement, SoBumpMapMatrixElement, SoGLModelMatrixElement, SoModelMatrixElement
- RTPrintf() : SoDebug
- SbRotation() : SbRotation
- SoRayPickAction() : SoRayPickAction
- SoRenderManager() : SoRenderManager
- SoReorganizeAction() : SoReorganizeAction
- SoResetTransform() : SoResetTransform
- SoReversePerspectiveCamera() : SoReversePerspectiveCamera
- SoRotateCylindricalDragger() : SoRotateCylindricalDragger
- SoRotateDiscDragger() : SoRotateDiscDragger
- SoRotateSphericalDragger() : SoRotateSphericalDragger
- SoRotation() : SoRotation
- SoRotationXYZ() : SoRotationXYZ
- SoRotor() : SoRotor