Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- n -
- name : SoFile, SoFont
- NAME : SoSearchAction
- name : SoShaderParameter, SoWWWAnchor, SoWWWInline
- NamePtr() : SoDebug
- narrow() : SbDPViewVolume, SbViewVolume
- narrowTypes() : SoNodekitCatalog
- NavigationState : SoEventManager
- nearDist : SbViewVolume
- nearDistance : SoCamera, SoShadowSpotLight
- nearToFar : SbViewVolume
- needCoordinates() : SoTextureCoordinateBundle
- needIndices() : SoTextureCoordinateBundle
- needNormals() : SoShapeStyleElement
- needSetup : SbCylinderProjector, SbPlaneProjector, SbSphereProjector
- needTexCoords() : SoShapeStyleElement
- negate() : SbVec2d, SbVec2f, SbVec2i32, SbVec2s, SbVec3d, SbVec3f, SbVec3s, SbVec4d, SbVec4f
- NEVER : SoAlphaTest, SoDepthBuffer, SoVRMLInline, SoWWWInline
- newWeight() : SbHeap
- nextActionMethodIndex : SoNode
- nextUniqueId : SoNode
- NO_AUTO_CLIPPING : SoRenderManager
- NO_CULLING : SoShadowCulling
- NO_NAVIGATION : SoEventManager
- NO_SHADOWING : SoShadowStyle
- NO_WINDING_TYPE : SoShapeHints
- node : SoComputeBoundingBox
- NODE : SoSearchAction
- nodeHasChildren() : SoNodeVisualize
- nodeId : SoReplacedElement
- nodeIds : SoAccumulatedElement
- nodeNumChildren() : SoNodeVisualize
- NODES : SoPathSensor
- NodeType : SoNode
- NOLASSO : SoExtSelection
- NONE : SoAlphaTest, SoEnvironment, SoFontStyle, SoGLRenderAction, SoMaterialBinding, SoNormalBinding, SoSceneTexture2, SoWWWAnchor
- nonOrientPlane : SbPlaneProjector
- normal : SoVertexProperty, SoVRMLElevationGrid, SoVRMLVertexShape
- normalBinding : SoVertexProperty
- normalDirection : SoTransformVec3f
- normalIndex : SoIndexedShape, SoVRMLIndexedShape
- normalize() : SbVec2d, SbVec2f, SbVec3d, SbVec3f, SbVec4d, SbVec4f
- NormalMapFormat : SoHeightMapToNormalMap
- normalPerVertex : SoVRMLElevationGrid, SoVRMLVertexShape
- normals : SoNormalElement
- NOT_A : SoBoolOperation
- NOT_A_AND_B : SoBoolOperation
- NOT_A_AND_NOT_B : SoBoolOperation
- NOT_A_OR_B : SoBoolOperation
- NOT_A_OR_NOT_B : SoBoolOperation
- NOT_B : SoBoolOperation
- NOTEQUAL : SoAlphaTest, SoDepthBuffer
- notify() : SoAsciiText, SoAuditorList, SoBase, SoBlinker, SoBumpMap, SoDataSensor, SoEngine, SoField, SoFieldContainer, SoImage, SoIndexedLineSet, SoIndexedPointSet, SoLevelOfDetail, SoLOD, SoMaterial, SoMFPath, SoNode, SoNodeEngine, SoPackedColor, SoPathSensor, SoProfilerStats, SoSceneTexture2, SoSceneTextureCubeMap, SoSeparator, SoSFPath, SoSFTrigger, SoShadowGroup, SoShape, SoSwitch, SoText3, SoTexture2, SoTexture3, SoTextureCubeMap, SoVertexAttribute, SoVertexProperty, SoVertexShape, SoVRMLAppearance, SoVRMLBillboard, SoVRMLCollision, SoVRMLElevationGrid, SoVRMLExtrusion, SoVRMLGeometry, SoVRMLGroup, SoVRMLIndexedLine, SoVRMLIndexedLineSet, SoVRMLIndexedShape, SoVRMLLOD, SoVRMLParent, SoVRMLPixelTexture, SoVRMLProximitySensor, SoVRMLScript, SoVRMLShape, SoVRMLSwitch, SoVRMLText, SoVRMLTimeSensor, SoVRMLTouchSensor, SoVRMLTransform, SoVRMLVertexLine, SoVRMLVertexPoint, SoVRMLVertexShape
- nullAction() : SoAction
- num : SoMField
- numControlPoints : SoIndexedNurbsCurve, SoNurbsCurve
- numcoords : SoBumpMapCoordinateElement
- numCoords : SoCoordinateElement, SoProfileCoordinateElement
- numElements1 : SoArray
- numElements2 : SoArray
- numElements3 : SoArray
- numEnums : SoMFEnum, SoSFEnum
- numNodesUpToContainer : SoSurroundScale
- numNodesUpToReset : SoSurroundScale
- numNormals : SoNormalElement
- numPoints() : SbBSPTree, SoPointSet
- numSControlPoints : SoIndexedNurbsSurface, SoNurbsSurface
- numTControlPoints : SoIndexedNurbsSurface, SoNurbsSurface
- numUControlPoints : SoIndexedNurbsSurface, SoNurbsSurface
- numVControlPoints : SoIndexedNurbsSurface, SoNurbsSurface
- numVertices : SoFaceSet, SoLineSet, SoTriangleStripSet
- SbName() : SbName
- SoNode() : SoNode
- SoNodeEngine() : SoNodeEngine
- SoNodekitCatalog() : SoNodekitCatalog
- SoNodeKitDetail() : SoNodeKitDetail
- SoNodeKitListPart() : SoNodeKitListPart
- SoNodeKitPath() : SoNodeKitPath
- SoNodeList() : SoNodeList
- SoNodeSensor() : SoNodeSensor
- SoNodeVisualize() : SoNodeVisualize
- SoNonIndexedShape() : SoNonIndexedShape
- SoNormal() : SoNormal
- SoNormalBinding() : SoNormalBinding
- SoNormalBundle() : SoNormalBundle
- SoNormalCache() : SoNormalCache
- SoNormalGenerator() : SoNormalGenerator
- SoNotList() : SoNotList
- SoNotRec() : SoNotRec
- SoNurbsCurve() : SoNurbsCurve
- SoNurbsProfile() : SoNurbsProfile
- SoNurbsSurface() : SoNurbsSurface