Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- s -
- saveStartParameters() : SoCenterballDragger, SoDragger
- SbSphere() : SbSphere
- SbSpherePlaneProjector() : SbSpherePlaneProjector
- SbSphereProjector() : SbSphereProjector
- SbSphereSectionProjector() : SbSphereSectionProjector
- SbSphereSheetProjector() : SbSphereSheetProjector
- SbString() : SbString
- SbStringList() : SbStringList
- scale() : SbDPViewVolume, SbViewVolume
- scaleAngle() : SbDPRotation, SbRotation
- scaleBy() : SoBumpMapMatrixElement, SoLocalBBoxMatrixElement, SoModelMatrixElement
- scaleEltBy() : SoBBoxModelMatrixElement, SoBumpMapMatrixElement, SoGLModelMatrixElement, SoModelMatrixElement
- scaleHeight() : SbDPViewVolume, SbViewportRegion, SbViewVolume, SoCamera, SoFrustumCamera, SoOrthographicCamera, SoPerspectiveCamera
- scaleWidth() : SbDPViewVolume, SbViewportRegion, SbViewVolume
- sceneGraphHasSoundNode() : SoSoundElement
- schedule() : SoAlarmSensor, SoDelayQueueSensor, SoSensor, SoTimerQueueSensor, SoTimerSensor
- scheduleDeleteCallback() : SoGLCacheContextElement
- scheduleReadFile() : SbImage
- scheduleRedraw() : SoRenderManager, SoSceneManager
- ScXMLAssignElt() : ScXMLAssignElt
- ScXMLStateElt() : ScXMLStateElt
- search() : ScXMLAbstractStateElt, ScXMLAnchorElt, ScXMLAssignElt, ScXMLDataElt, ScXMLDataModelElt, ScXMLElseIfElt, ScXMLElt, ScXMLEventElt, ScXMLFinalElt, ScXMLHistoryElt, ScXMLIfElt, ScXMLInitialElt, ScXMLInvokeElt, ScXMLLogElt, ScXMLOnEntryElt, ScXMLOnExitElt, ScXMLParallelElt, ScXMLParamElt, ScXMLScxmlElt, ScXMLSendElt, ScXMLStateElt, ScXMLTransitionElt, ScXMLValidateElt, SoArray, SoBaseKit, SoCallback, SoClipPlaneManip, SoDirectionalLightManip, SoDragger, SoFile, SoGroup, SoMultipleCopy, SoNode, SoNodeKitListPart, SoPathSwitch, SoPointLightManip, SoProfilerStats, SoSeparator, SoShaderObject, SoShaderProgram, SoSpotLightManip, SoSwitch, SoTransformManip, SoVRMLAppearance, SoVRMLBillboard, SoVRMLGeometry, SoVRMLGroup, SoVRMLInline, SoVRMLLOD, SoVRMLParent, SoVRMLShape, SoVRMLSwitch, SoWWWInline
- searchForFile() : SbImage, SoInput
- searchS() : SoNode
- seek() : SoVRMLAudioClip
- select() : SoExtSelection, SoSelection
- send() : SoGLCoordinateElement, SoGLLazyElement, SoGLMultiTextureCoordinateElement, SoGLNormalElement, SoGLVertexAttributeElement, SoMaterialBundle, SoNormalBundle, SoTextureCoordinateBundle, SoVertexAttributeBundle
- sendAllMaterial() : SoGLLazyElement
- sendDiffuseByIndex() : SoGLLazyElement
- sendFirst() : SoMaterialBundle
- sendNoMaterial() : SoGLLazyElement
- sendOnlyDiffuseColor() : SoGLLazyElement
- sendPrimitive() : SoIndexedNurbsCurve, SoIndexedNurbsSurface, SoNurbsCurve, SoNurbsSurface
- sendVPPacked() : SoGLLazyElement
- set() : SbPList, SoAmbientColorElement, SoAnnoText3CharOrientElement, SoAnnoText3FontSizeHintElement, SoAnnoText3RenderPrintElement, SoAuditorList, SoBaseKit, SoBaseList, SoBoundingBoxCache, SoBumpMapCoordinateElement, SoBumpMapElement, SoBumpMapMatrixElement, SoCacheElement, SoCacheHintElement, SoChildList, SoComplexityElement, SoComplexityTypeElement, SoCreaseAngleElement, SoDecimationPercentageElement, SoDecimationTypeElement, SoDepthBufferElement, SoDetailList, SoDiffuseColorElement, SoDrawStyleElement, SoEmissiveColorElement, SoEngineOutputList, SoEnvironmentElement, SoField, SoFieldContainer, SoFieldList, SoFloatElement, SoFocalDistanceElement, SoFontNameElement, SoFontSizeElement, SoGeoElement, SoGLCacheContextElement, SoGLColorIndexElement, SoGLMultiTextureImageElement, SoGLRenderPassElement, SoGLShadowCullingElement, SoGLUpdateAreaElement, SoInt32Element, SoLightAttenuationElement, SoLightModelElement, SoLinePatternElement, SoLineWidthElement, SoListenerGainElement, SoListenerOrientationElement, SoListenerPositionElement, SoLocalBBoxMatrixElement, SoMaterialBindingElement, SoModelMatrixElement, SoMultiTextureEnabledElement, SoMultiTextureImageElement, SoNormalBindingElement, SoNormalBundle, SoNormalCache, SoNormalElement, SoPickedPointList, SoPickRayElement, SoPickStyleElement, SoPointSizeElement, SoPolygonOffsetElement, SoProjectionMatrixElement, SoShadowStyleElement, SoShapeHintsElement, SoShininessElement, SoSoundElement, SoSpecularColorElement, SoSwitchElement, SoTextOutlineEnabledElement, SoTextureCombineElement, SoTextureCoordinateBindingElement, SoTextureQualityElement, SoTextureUnitElement, SoTransparencyElement, SoTypeList, SoUnitsElement, SoVertexAttributeBindingElement, SoViewingMatrixElement, SoViewportRegionElement, SoViewVolumeElement, SoWindowElement
- set1() : SoMField
- set1HSVValue() : SoMFColor, SoMFColorRGBA
- set1Value() : SoMFColor, SoMFColorRGBA, SoMFEnum, SoMFRotation, SoMFVec2b, SoMFVec2d, SoMFVec2f, SoMFVec2i32, SoMFVec2s, SoMFVec3b, SoMFVec3d, SoMFVec3f, SoMFVec3i32, SoMFVec3s, SoMFVec4b, SoMFVec4d, SoMFVec4f, SoMFVec4i32, SoMFVec4s, SoMFVec4ub, SoMFVec4ui32, SoMFVec4us
- set2() : SoMultiTextureCoordinateElement, SoProfileCoordinateElement
- set3() : SoCoordinateElement, SoMultiTextureCoordinateElement, SoProfileCoordinateElement
- set4() : SoCoordinateElement, SoMultiTextureCoordinateElement
- setAbortCallback() : SoGLRenderAction
- setActionStartTime() : SbProfilingData
- setActionStopTime() : SbProfilingData
- setActionType() : SbProfilingData
- setActiveChildDragger() : SoDragger
- setAllPartsActive() : SoHandleBoxDragger, SoTrackballDragger
- setAltDown() : SoEvent
- setAlternate() : SoNodeVisualize
- setAmbientColorOverride() : SoOverrideElement
- setAnimationEnabled() : SoTrackballDragger
- setAnnotation() : SoOutput
- setAntialiasing() : SoRenderManager, SoSceneManager
- setAnyPart() : SoBaseKit
- setAnyPartAsDefault() : SoInteractionKit
- setAnySurrogatePath() : SoInteractionKit
- setAtLocation() : ScXMLMinimumEvaluator
- setAudioRenderAction() : SoRenderManager, SoSceneManager
- setAutoCacheBits() : SoGLCacheContextElement
- setAutoClipping() : SoRenderManager
- setAxis() : SbCylinder
- setBackgroundColor() : SoOffscreenRenderer, SoRenderManager, SoSceneManager, SoVectorizeAction
- setBackgroundIndex() : SoRenderManager, SoSceneManager
- setBalanceAdjustment() : SoCamera
- setBaseTime() : SoTimerSensor
- setBeamScaleFromAngle() : SoSpotLightDragger
- setBigImageEnabled() : SoShapeStyleElement
- setBinary() : SoOutput
- setBorder() : SoVectorizeAction
- setBoundingBoxColor() : SoVRMLInline, SoWWWInline
- setBoundingBoxVisibility() : SoVRMLInline, SoWWWInline
- setBounds() : SbBox2d, SbBox2f, SbBox2i32, SbBox2s, SbBox3d, SbBox3f, SbBox3i32, SbBox3s
- setBuffer() : SoInput, SoOutput
- setBumpmapEnabled() : SoShapeStyleElement
- setButton() : SoMouseButtonEvent, SoSpaceballButtonEvent
- setCacheContext() : SoGLRenderAction
- setCacheOpen() : SoState
- setCallback() : SbTesselator, SoCallback
- setCallbacks() : SoVRMLAudioClip
- setCamera() : SoEventManager, SoRenderManager, SoSceneManager
- setCameraInfo() : SoDragger
- setCameraNumber() : SoSceneKit
- setCanApproximate() : SoGetPrimitiveCountAction
- setCenter() : SbSphere, SoGetBoundingBoxAction
- setChangedCallback() : SoSensorManager
- setChangeLimit() : SoGLBigImage
- setCharacterIndex() : SoTextDetail
- setChildData() : SoVRMLInline, SoWWWInline
- setColor() : SoBoxHighlightRenderAction, SoLineHighlightRenderAction
- setColored() : SoPSVectorOutput
- setColorIndexOverride() : SoOverrideElement
- setColorPriority() : SoVectorizeAction
- setColorTranslationMethod() : SoVectorizeAction
- setColorVBO() : SoGLVBOElement
- setCompact() : SoOutput
- setCompatibilityTypes() : SoNode
- setComplexityOverride() : SoOverrideElement
- setComplexityType() : SoShapeStyleElement
- setComplexityTypeOverride() : SoOverrideElement
- setComponents() : SoOffscreenRenderer
- setCompression() : SoOutput
- setContainer() : ScXMLElt, SoEngineOutput, SoField
- setContainerType() : SoNodeKitListPart
- setCoordinateIndex() : SoPointDetail
- setCoords() : SoGlyph
- setCount3DTextAsTriangles() : SoGetPrimitiveCountAction
- setCreaseAngleOverride() : SoOverrideElement
- setCtrlDown() : SoEvent
- setCullMatrix() : SoModelMatrixElement
- setCurPass() : SoGLRenderAction
- setCurrentEvent() : ScXMLEventTarget
- setCurrentNode() : SoCallbackAction
- setCylinder() : SbCylinderProjector
- setData() : SoGLBigImage, SoGLCubeMapImage, SoGLImage, SoSensor
- setDebugString() : SoError
- setDecimationValue() : SoGetPrimitiveCountAction
- setDefault() : SoField, SoMultiTextureCoordinateElement, SoMultiTextureImageElement
- setDefault2DFont() : SoVectorizePSAction
- setDefaultOnNonWritingFields() : SoBaseKit, SoCenterballDragger, SoDirectionalLightDragger, SoDragger, SoDragPointDragger, SoHandleBoxDragger, SoInteractionKit, SoJackDragger, SoPointLightDragger, SoSeparatorKit, SoShapeKit, SoSpotLightDragger, SoTabBoxDragger, SoTabPlaneDragger, SoTrackballDragger, SoTransformBoxDragger, SoTransformerDragger
- setDefaultValues() : SoSoundElement
- setDelayedObjDepthWrite() : SoGLRenderAction
- setDelayFetchURL() : SoVRMLImageTexture
- setDelaySensorTimeout() : SoDB, SoSensorManager
- setDeleteCallback() : SoDataSensor
- setDepth() : SoElement
- setDetail() : SoPickedPoint, SoPrimitiveVertex
- setDiffuseColorOverride() : SoOverrideElement
- setDirectories() : SoInput
- setDirty() : SoField
- setDisplayListMaxAge() : SoGLImage
- setDoingTranslations() : SoSurroundScale
- setDopplerFactor() : SoListenerDopplerElement, SoVRMLSound
- setDopplerVelocity() : SoListenerDopplerElement, SoVRMLSound
- setDoubleBuffer() : SoRenderManager
- setDragger() : SoClipPlaneManip, SoDirectionalLightManip, SoPointLightManip, SoSpotLightManip, SoTransformManip
- setDraggersEnabled() : SoIntersectionDetectionAction
- setDrawingDimensions() : SoVectorizeAction
- setDrawStyle() : SoShapeStyleElement
- setDrawStyleOverride() : SoOverrideElement
- setEdgeIndices() : SoGlyph
- setElt() : SoBBoxModelMatrixElement, SoBumpMapElement, SoBumpMapMatrixElement, SoDepthBufferElement, SoEnvironmentElement, SoFloatElement, SoGeoElement, SoGLDepthBufferElement, SoGLDrawStyleElement, SoGLEnvironmentElement, SoGLLinePatternElement, SoGLLineWidthElement, SoGLModelMatrixElement, SoGLMultiTextureCoordinateElement, SoGLMultiTextureEnabledElement, SoGLMultiTextureMatrixElement, SoGLPointSizeElement, SoGLPolygonOffsetElement, SoGLProjectionMatrixElement, SoGLShadowCullingElement, SoGLShapeHintsElement, SoGLViewingMatrixElement, SoGLViewportRegionElement, SoInt32Element, SoModelMatrixElement, SoMultiTextureEnabledElement, SoMultiTextureImageElement, SoMultiTextureMatrixElement, SoPolygonOffsetElement, SoProjectionMatrixElement, SoShapeHintsElement, SoTextureCombineElement, SoViewingMatrixElement, SoViewportRegionElement
- setEmissiveColorOverride() : SoOverrideElement
- setEnableCallback() : SoShaderProgram
- setEnums() : SoMFEnum, SoSFEnum
- setEvent() : SoHandleEventAction
- setEventName() : ScXMLEvent
- setFaceIndex() : SoFaceDetail
- setFaceIndices() : SoGlyph
- setFetchURLCallBack() : SoVRMLAnchor, SoVRMLInline, SoWWWAnchor, SoWWWInline
- setFieldType() : SoField
- setFilePointer() : SoInput, SoOutput
- setFilterCallback() : SoIntersectionDetectionAction
- setFind() : SoSearchAction
- setFlags() : SoGLImage
- setFloatPrecision() : SoOutput
- setFontNameOverride() : SoOverrideElement
- setFontSizeOverride() : SoOverrideElement
- setFound() : SoSearchAction
- setFront() : SbCylinderProjector, SbSphereProjector
- setFrontOnProjector() : SoDragger
- setFullURLName() : SoVRMLInline, SoWWWAnchor, SoWWWInline
- setFunction() : SoMultiTextureCoordinateElement, SoSensor
- setGLDisplayList() : SoGLImage
- setGLRenderAction() : SoOffscreenRenderer, SoRenderManager, SoSceneManager
- setGouraudThreshold() : SoVectorizePSAction
- setGrabber() : SoHandleEventAction
- setHandled() : SoEventCallback, SoHandleEventAction
- setHandleEventAction() : SoDragger, SoEventManager, SoSceneManager
- setHandlerCallback() : SoDebugError, SoError, SoMemoryError, SoReadError
- setHashingFunction() : SbDict
- setHasLinesOrPoints() : SoBoundingBoxCache
- setHead() : SoLightPath, SoPath
- setHeaderString() : SoOutput
- setHighlightURLCallBack() : SoWWWAnchor
- setHLHSRMode() : SoVectorizeAction
- setHSVValue() : SbColor4f, SbColor, SoMFColor, SoMFColorRGBA, SoSFColor, SoSFColorRGBA
- setHSVValues() : SoMFColor, SoMFColorRGBA
- setIgnored() : SoField
- setIgnoreInBbox() : SoDragger, SoSurroundScale
- setImage() : SoVRMLImageTexture
- setImageDataMaxAge() : SoVRMLImageTexture
- setInCameraSpace() : SoGetBoundingBoxAction
- setInitialAttribute() : ScXMLStateElt
- setInstancePrefix() : SoBase
- setInterest() : SoSearchAction
- setIntersectionDetectionEpsilon() : SoIntersectionDetectionAction
- setIntersectionEpsilon() : SoIntersectionDetectionAction
- setInterval() : SoTimerSensor
- setInvalid() : SoCacheElement
- setIsPartOfActiveSceneGraph() : SoSoundElement
- setIVVersion() : SoInput
- setJumpLimit() : SoDragPointDragger
- setKey() : SoKeyboardEvent
- setLassoColor() : SoExtSelection
- setLassoFilterCallback() : SoExtSelection
- setLassoWidth() : SoExtSelection
- setLastType() : SoNotList
- setLightModel() : SoShapeStyleElement
- setLightModelOverride() : SoOverrideElement
- setLine() : SbLineProjector
- setLineEndStyle() : SoVectorizeAction
- setLineIndex() : SoLineDetail
- setLineJoinsStyle() : SoVectorizeAction
- setLinePattern() : SoBoxHighlightRenderAction, SoLineHighlightRenderAction
- setLinePatternOverride() : SoOverrideElement
- setLineSegmentFilterCallback() : SoExtSelection
- setLineWidth() : SoBoxHighlightRenderAction, SoLineHighlightRenderAction
- setLineWidthOverride() : SoOverrideElement
- setLocateHighlighting() : SoTransformerManip
- setManipsEnabled() : SoIntersectionDetectionAction
- setMaterialBindingOverride() : SoOverrideElement
- setMaterialIndex() : SoPickedPoint, SoPointDetail, SoPrimitiveVertex
- setMatrix() : SoTransform, SoVRMLTransform
- setMinGesture() : SoDragger
- setMinScale() : SoDragger
- setMiterLimit() : SoVectorizeAction
- setMotionMatrix() : SoDragger, SoTranslate1Dragger, SoTranslate2Dragger
- setMsecValue() : SbTime
- setName() : SoBase, SoSearchAction
- setNavigationState() : SoEventManager
- setNearPlaneValue() : SoRenderManager
- setNeverWrite() : SoSFImage
- setNextActionMethodIndex() : SoNode
- setNextInQueue() : SoSensor
- setNode() : SoSearchAction
- setNodeContainer() : SoEngineOutput
- setNodeId() : SoAccumulatedElement
- setNodeKit() : SoNodeKitDetail
- setNodeTiming() : SbProfilingData
- setNodeType() : SoNode
- setNominalWidth() : SoVectorizeAction
- setNormal() : SoNormalGenerator, SoPrimitiveVertex
- setNormalBindingOverride() : SoOverrideElement
- setNormalCache() : SoVertexShape
- setNormalIndex() : SoPointDetail
- setNormalizedPoint() : SoRayPickAction
- setNormalVBO() : SoGLVBOElement
- setNormalVectorOverride() : SoOverrideElement
- setNullByDefault() : SoNodekitCatalog
- setNum() : SoMField
- setNumNormals() : SoNormalGenerator
- setNumPasses() : SoGLRenderAction
- setNumPoints() : SoFaceDetail
- setNumRenderCaches() : SoSeparator, SoVRMLGroup
- setObjectNormal() : SoPickedPoint
- setObjectSpace() : SoRayPickAction
- setObjectTextureCoords() : SoPickedPoint
- setOrientation() : SoVectorizeAction
- setOrientToEye() : SbCylinderProjector, SbPlaneProjector, SbSphereProjector
- setOrigin() : SoEventManager, SoRenderManager, SoSceneManager
- setOutput() : SoVectorizeAction
- setOverlayColor() : SoRenderManager
- setOverlayLassoColorIndex() : SoExtSelection
- setOverlayLassoPattern() : SoExtSelection
- setOverride() : SoNode
- setOverrides() : SoShapeStyleElement
- setPackedColor() : SoPrimitiveVertex
- setPackedValue() : SbColor4f, SbColor
- setPart() : SoBaseKit, SoConeDetail, SoCubeDetail, SoCylinderDetail, SoInteractionKit, SoNodeKitDetail, SoTextDetail
- setPartAsDefault() : SoInteractionKit
- setPartAsPath() : SoInteractionKit
- setPartIndex() : SoFaceDetail, SoLineDetail
- setPartName() : SoNodeKitDetail
- setPassCallback() : SoGLRenderAction
- setPassUpdate() : SoGLRenderAction
- setPath() : SoEventCallback
- setPBuffer() : SoGLImage
- setPbufferEnable() : SoOffscreenRenderer
- setPenDescription() : SoVectorizeAction
- setPickAll() : SoRayPickAction
- setPickFilterCallback() : SoSelection
- setPickMatching() : SoSelection
- setPickRadius() : SoHandleEventAction
- setPickRoot() : SoHandleEventAction
- setPickStyleOverride() : SoOverrideElement
- setPixelImageSize() : SoVectorizeAction
- setPixelsPerInch() : SbViewportRegion
- setPlane() : SbPlaneProjector
- setPoint() : SoFaceDetail, SoPrimitiveVertex, SoRayPickAction
- setPoint0() : SoLineDetail
- setPoint1() : SoLineDetail
- setPointFilterCallback() : SoExtSelection
- setPointSizeOverride() : SoOverrideElement
- setPointStyle() : SoVectorizeAction
- setPolygonOffsetOverride() : SoOverrideElement
- setPosDir() : SbDPLine, SbLine
- setPosition() : SoEvent
- setPrequalifyFileCallBack() : SoVRMLImageTexture
- setPrevious() : SoNotRec
- setPrintableCharacter() : SoKeyboardEvent
- setPriority() : SoDelayQueueSensor
- setProjector() : SoRotateCylindricalDragger, SoRotateSphericalDragger
- setProjectorEpsilon() : SoDragger
- setRadialFactor() : SbSphereSectionProjector
- setRadius() : SbCylinder, SbSphere, SoRayPickAction
- setRay() : SoRayPickAction
- setReadAsSoFile() : SoVRMLInline, SoWWWInline
- setReadStatus() : SoImage, SoTexture2, SoTexture3, SoTextureCubeMap, SoVRMLImageTexture
- setRealTimeInterval() : SoDB
- setRedrawPriority() : SoRenderManager, SoSceneManager
- setReference() : SoOutput
- setRenderCallback() : SoRenderManager, SoSceneManager
- setRenderingIsRemote() : SoGLRenderAction
- setRenderMode() : SoRenderManager
- setResetPath() : SoGetBoundingBoxAction
- setResizeCallback() : SoGLImage
- setRGB() : SbColor4f
- setRGBMode() : SoRenderManager, SoSceneManager
- setRootNode() : SoProtoInstance
- setRotate() : SbDPMatrix, SbMatrix
- setRotation() : SoMotion3Event
- setScale() : SbDPMatrix, SbMatrix
- setSceneGraph() : SoEventManager, SoRenderManager, SoSceneManager
- setSceneGraphHasSoundNode() : SoSoundElement
- setScriptEvaluateCB() : SoVRMLScript
- setSearchingAll() : SoSearchAction
- setSearchingChildren() : SoBaseKit
- setSearchOK() : SoFile
- setSessionId() : ScXMLStateMachine
- setShadowMapRendering() : SoShapeStyleElement
- setShadowsRendering() : SoShapeStyleElement
- setShapeHintsOverride() : SoOverrideElement
- setShapeInternalsEnabled() : SoIntersectionDetectionAction
- setShiftDown() : SoEvent
- setShininessOverride() : SoOverrideElement
- setSize() : SoEventManager, SoRenderManager, SoSceneManager
- setSmoothing() : SoGLRenderAction
- setSoEvent() : SoScXMLEvent
- setSortedLayersNumPasses() : SoGLRenderAction
- setSortedObjectOrderStrategy() : SoGLRenderAction
- setSoundNodeIsPlaying() : SoSoundElement
- setSpecularColorOverride() : SoOverrideElement
- setSphere() : SbSphereProjector
- setSrcAttribute() : ScXMLStateElt
- setStackIndex() : SoElement
- setStage() : SoOutput
- setStartingPoint() : SoDragger
- setStartLocaterPosition() : SoDragger
- setStartPosition() : SbLineProjector, SbPlaneProjector, SoVectorizeAction
- setState() : SoButtonEvent
- setStateMachine() : ScXMLCoinEvaluator, ScXMLEvaluator, ScXMLMinimumEvaluator
- setStereoAdjustment() : SoCamera
- setStereoMode() : SoCamera, SoRenderManager
- setStereoOffset() : SoRenderManager
- setStringArray() : SoInput
- setStringIndex() : SoTextDetail
- setSubValue() : SoSFImage
- setSubValues() : SoSFImage
- setSwitches() : SoCenterballDragger
- setSwitchValue() : SoInteractionKit
- setTail() : SoLightPath
- setTempPathToThis() : SoDragger
- setTerminated() : SoAction
- setTexCoordVBO() : SoGLVBOElement
- setTexGen() : SoGLMultiTextureCoordinateElement
- setTexture3Enabled() : SoShapeStyleElement
- setTextureCoordIndex() : SoPointDetail
- setTextureCoords() : SoPrimitiveVertex
- setTextureEnabled() : SoShapeStyleElement
- setTextureFunction() : SoShapeStyleElement
- setTexturesEnabled() : SoRenderManager
- setTextureTarget() : SoGLDisplayList
- setTime() : SoAlarmSensor, SoEvent
- setTimeFromNow() : SoAlarmSensor
- setToDefault() : SoLazyElement
- setToDefaults() : SoFieldContainer
- setTolerance() : SbCylinderSectionProjector, SbSphereSectionProjector
- setToTimeOfDay() : SbTime
- setTraceRefs() : SoBase
- setTransform() : SbDPMatrix, SbMatrix, SbXfBox3d, SbXfBox3f
- setTranslate() : SbDPMatrix, SbMatrix
- setTranslation() : SoMotion3Event
- setTransparencyOverride() : SoOverrideElement
- setTransparencyType() : SoGLRenderAction, SoShapeStyleElement
- setTransparencyTypeOverride() : SoOverrideElement
- setTransparentDelayedObjectRenderType() : SoGLRenderAction
- setTransparentMaterial() : SoShapeStyleElement
- setTransparentTexture() : SoShapeStyleElement
- setTriangleFilterCallback() : SoExtSelection
- setTriggerFilter() : SoPathSensor
- setTriggerPathFlag() : SoDataSensor
- setTriggerTime() : SoTimerQueueSensor
- setType() : SoNotRec, SoSearchAction
- setTypeEnabled() : SoIntersectionDetectionAction
- setTypeId() : SoElement
- SetUnlockString() : SoLockManager
- setUp() : SoActionMethodList
- setUpConnections() : SoBaseKit, SoCenterballDragger, SoDirectionalLightDragger, SoDragPointDragger, SoHandleBoxDragger, SoInteractionKit, SoJackDragger, SoPointLightDragger, SoRotateCylindricalDragger, SoRotateDiscDragger, SoRotateSphericalDragger, SoScale1Dragger, SoScale2Dragger, SoScale2UniformDragger, SoScaleUniformDragger, SoSeparatorKit, SoSpotLightDragger, SoTabBoxDragger, SoTabPlaneDragger, SoTrackballDragger, SoTransformBoxDragger, SoTransformerDragger, SoTranslate1Dragger, SoTranslate2Dragger
- setUpdateArea() : SoGLRenderAction
- setUpIdentifier() : SoScXMLEvent
- setupIndices() : SoIndexedShape
- setUpMultiple() : SoMaterialBundle
- setupPlane() : SbCylinderSheetProjector, SbPlaneProjector, SbSphereSheetProjector
- setupShapeHints() : SoVRMLGeometry
- setupTolerance() : SbCylinderSectionProjector, SbSphereSectionProjector
- setUrlName() : SoToVRMLAction
- setUserData() : SbBSPTree, SoFieldContainer
- setValue() : SbColor4f, SbCylinder, SbDPLine, SbDPMatrix, SbDPRotation, SbImage, SbLine, SbMatrix, SbRotation, SbSphere, SbTime, SbVec2d, SbVec2f, SbVec2i32, SbVec2s, SbVec3d, SbVec3f, SbVec3s, SbVec4d, SbVec4f, SoClipPlaneManip, SoMFColor, SoMFColorRGBA, SoMFEnum, SoMFMatrix, SoMFName, SoMFRotation, SoMFString, SoMFVec2b, SoMFVec2d, SoMFVec2f, SoMFVec2i32, SoMFVec2s, SoMFVec3b, SoMFVec3d, SoMFVec3f, SoMFVec3i32, SoMFVec3s, SoMFVec4b, SoMFVec4d, SoMFVec4f, SoMFVec4i32, SoMFVec4s, SoMFVec4ub, SoMFVec4ui32, SoMFVec4us, SoSFBox2d, SoSFBox2f, SoSFBox2i32, SoSFBox2s, SoSFBox3d, SoSFBox3f, SoSFBox3i32, SoSFBox3s, SoSFColor, SoSFColorRGBA, SoSFEnum, SoSFImage3, SoSFImage, SoSFMatrix, SoSFName, SoSFRotation, SoSFString, SoSFTrigger, SoSFVec2b, SoSFVec2d, SoSFVec2f, SoSFVec2i32, SoSFVec2s, SoSFVec3b, SoSFVec3d, SoSFVec3f, SoSFVec3i32, SoSFVec3s, SoSFVec4b, SoSFVec4d, SoSFVec4f, SoSFVec4i32, SoSFVec4s, SoSFVec4ub, SoSFVec4ui32, SoSFVec4us
- setValuePtr() : SbImage
- setValues() : SoMFColor, SoMFColorRGBA, SoMFName, SoMFRotation, SoMFString, SoMFVec2b, SoMFVec2d, SoMFVec2f, SoMFVec2i32, SoMFVec2s, SoMFVec3b, SoMFVec3d, SoMFVec3f, SoMFVec3i32, SoMFVec3s, SoMFVec4b, SoMFVec4d, SoMFVec4f, SoMFVec4i32, SoMFVec4s, SoMFVec4ub, SoMFVec4ui32, SoMFVec4us
- setVerbosity() : SoToVRMLAction
- setVertexArrayRendering() : SoShapeStyleElement
- setVertexVBO() : SoGLVBOElement
- setViewport() : SbViewportRegion
- setViewportPixels() : SbViewportRegion
- setViewportRegion() : SoCallbackAction, SoComputeBoundingBox, SoDragger, SoEventManager, SoGetBoundingBoxAction, SoGetMatrixAction, SoGLRenderAction, SoHandleEventAction, SoOffscreenRenderer, SoPickAction, SoRenderManager, SoSceneManager
- setViewVolume() : SbProjector, SoCullElement, SoDragger
- setVisible() : SoBoxHighlightRenderAction, SoLineHighlightRenderAction
- setWindowSize() : SbViewportRegion, SoRenderManager, SoSceneManager
- setWorkingSpace() : SbCylinderProjector, SbProjector, SbSphereProjector
- setXMLAttribute() : ScXMLElt
- shapeVertex() : SoShape
- shouldAutoCache() : SoGLCacheContextElement
- shouldCompactPathList() : SoAction
- shouldCompactPathLists() : SoWriteAction
- shouldCopy() : SoEngine
- shouldCreateVBO() : SoGLVBOElement
- shouldGenerate() : SoNormalBundle
- shouldGeneratePrimitives() : SoCallbackAction
- shouldGLRender() : SoShape, SoVertexShape, SoVRMLGeometry, SoVRMLVertexLine, SoVRMLVertexPoint, SoVRMLVertexShape
- shouldGrabBasedOnSurrogate() : SoDragger
- shouldPrimitiveCount() : SoShape
- shouldRayPick() : SoShape
- shouldWrite() : SoBase, SoField
- showNextDraggerSet() : SoDragPointDragger
- simpleAppend() : SoTempPath
- size() : SbHeap
- skipWhiteSpace() : SoInput
- sleep() : SbTime
- slerp() : SbDPRotation, SbRotation
- sort() : SoPathList
- SoScale() : SoScale
- SoScale1Dragger() : SoScale1Dragger
- SoScale2Dragger() : SoScale2Dragger
- SoScale2UniformDragger() : SoScale2UniformDragger
- SoScaleUniformDragger() : SoScaleUniformDragger
- SoSceneKit() : SoSceneKit
- SoSceneManager() : SoSceneManager
- SoSceneTextureCubeMap() : SoSceneTextureCubeMap
- SoScXMLDollyTarget() : SoScXMLDollyTarget
- SoSearchAction() : SoSearchAction
- SoSelection() : SoSelection
- SoSelectOne() : SoSelectOne
- SoSensor() : SoSensor
- SoSensorManager() : SoSensorManager
- SoSeparator() : SoSeparator
- SoSeparatorKit() : SoSeparatorKit
- SoSField() : SoSField
- SoShaderObject() : SoShaderObject
- SoShaderParameter() : SoShaderParameter
- SoShaderProgram() : SoShaderProgram
- SoShadowCulling() : SoShadowCulling
- SoShadowDirectionalLight() : SoShadowDirectionalLight
- SoShadowGroup() : SoShadowGroup
- SoShadowSpotLight() : SoShadowSpotLight
- SoShadowStyle() : SoShadowStyle
- SoShape() : SoShape
- SoShapeHints() : SoShapeHints
- SoShapeKit() : SoShapeKit
- SoShuttle() : SoShuttle
- SoSimplifyAction() : SoSimplifyAction
- SoSpaceballButtonEvent() : SoSpaceballButtonEvent
- SoSphere() : SoSphere
- SoSpotLight() : SoSpotLight
- SoSpotLightDragger() : SoSpotLightDragger
- SoSpotLightManip() : SoSpotLightManip
- SoState() : SoState
- SoSTLFileKit() : SoSTLFileKit
- SoSurroundScale() : SoSurroundScale
- SoSwitch() : SoSwitch
- soundNodeIsPlaying() : SoSoundElement
- sprintf() : SbString
- sqrLength() : SbVec2d, SbVec2f, SbVec3d, SbVec3f, SbVec4d, SbVec4f
- startCB() : SoDragPointDragger, SoHandleBoxDragger, SoRotateCylindricalDragger, SoRotateDiscDragger, SoRotateSphericalDragger, SoScale1Dragger, SoScale2Dragger, SoScale2UniformDragger, SoScaleUniformDragger, SoSpotLightDragger, SoTrackballDragger, SoTransformerDragger, SoTranslate1Dragger, SoTranslate2Dragger
- startEditing() : SoSFImage3, SoSFImage
- startNotify() : SoBase, SoDB, SoField, SoNode, SoSFTrigger
- startPlaying() : SoVRMLSound
- startVertexArray() : SoShape
- staticDataLock() : SoBase
- staticDataUnlock() : SoBase
- stderrCB() : SoProfilingReportGenerator
- stdoutCB() : SoProfilingReportGenerator
- step() : SoScXMLDollyTarget
- STEP_IN() : SoScXMLDollyTarget
- STEP_OUT() : SoScXMLDollyTarget
- stopPlaying() : SoVRMLSound
- switchToNodeTraversal() : SoAction
- switchToPathTraversal() : SoAction